Visit and in the left-hand nav click "Printable version"
The page chrome goes away, but all the bits of HTML for
5 hours ago Reply • Edit
etc. still appear. These should not display, in the same way that [ edit | edit source] markers don't appear in regular articles when in printable mode. I *think* simply adding the (sadly undocumented?) class="noprint" to these will do the right thing, and/or we could add
'modules/base/styles/printable.css' => array( 'media' => 'print' ),
with finer control as does it.
(We should also add user-select: none to bits of HTML like "Small view Collapsed view Full view" and "( talk | block )" that appear when you copy and paste a Flow page. I'll file a separate bug.)
Version: master
Severity: enhancement