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Trebuchet doesn't like when a deployer server is also a minion, a edge case for scap
Closed, ResolvedPublic


From bug 65542:

Directory permissions were probably broken initially because in the current
setup tin is acting as both the deploy server and a minion for the scap deploy.
When the minion gets the fetch/checkout commands from salt it runs as root. I
sort of wondered if this would cause problems and I think now I have my answer.

We can either try to rearrange the way that classes are defined in
operations/puppet.git to eliminate this problem or figure out how to make
trebuchet aware of the edge case and avoid updating the deployment server if it
is also in the minions list.

Version: wmf-deployment
Severity: normal

Event Timeline

bzimport raised the priority of this task from to High.Nov 22 2014, 3:08 AM
bzimport added a project: Deployments.
bzimport set Reference to bz65549.
bzimport added a subscriber: Unknown Object (MLST).

[13:15] < bd808> Tin gets the deployment::target define for scap via mediawiki::sync which is how all of the other nodes get it too.
[13:16] Ryan_Lane nods
[13:19] < bd808> Off the top of my head I can't think of a clean way to keep Deployment::Target['scap'] from applying on tin.
[13:19] < bd808> How horrible would it be to handle this edge case in trebuchet itself?
[13:20] <Ryan_Lane> hm. it's not a simple edge case to workaround
[13:20] <Ryan_Lane> it's doable using compound matching for targeting
[13:20] <Ryan_Lane> you could use "scap and not deployment server" I believe
[13:21] < bd808> Ryan_Lane: Where would that go?
[13:22] <Ryan_Lane> inside of the runner code
[13:22] <Ryan_Lane> the runner code looks up the grain, then does a salt call via the salt client api
[13:23] < bd808> Ryan_Lane: Ok. grain = "deployment_target:" + grain .... in
[13:24] <Ryan_Lane> yep
[13:24] <Ryan_Lane> and client.cmd(grain, cmd, expr_form='grain', arg=arg, ...
[13:24] <Ryan_Lane>
[13:25] <Ryan_Lane> expr_form= <-- that would need to be changed to compound
[13:25] < bd808> yup.
[13:25] <Ryan_Lane>

The runner being discussed in comment #1 is modules/deployment/files/runners/ in the operations/puppet.git repo.

This caused problems for /srv/deployment/scap/scap on tin again today. There seems to be really bad corruption of the file permissions on the .git directory whenever git deploy is run.

Change 212291 had a related patch set uploaded (by BryanDavis):
git deploy: don't fetch/checkout/restart on the deployment server

Are there any updates that need to happen on this patch? Could pull to deployment-prep for a sanity check.

fine to test on deployment-prep; if it works there it's good for prod.

fgiunchedi lowered the priority of this task from High to Medium.Jul 20 2015, 2:45 PM

doubtful this is high priority, @thcipriani looks good to test on deployment-prep and we can push to prod then

@fgiunchedi works as expected on deployment-prep deploying the test repo. LGTM.

Change 212291 merged by Filippo Giunchedi:
git deploy: don't fetch/checkout/restart on the deployment server

fgiunchedi claimed this task.

@fgiunchedi works as expected on deployment-prep deploying the test repo. LGTM.

cool! merged