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Bad language name for 'rup' (Aromanian)
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Author: daroemenenzullennivergaan

''Armãneashce'', the current language name used by Mediawiki doesn't appear to me to have been chosen very wisely.

The founder of the Aromanian Wikipedia, back in 2004, was from an area (Bitola) where, under the influence of the Slavic languages of the area, the Aromanian subdialect is characterized by a few regional phoneticisms.

Hence the -șc/-shc pronunciation, instead of the established -șt/-sht, spread the majority of Aromanian subdialects. My suggestion therefore would be to change the language name from ''Armãneashce'' to ''Armâneaști'' or ''Armâneascâ''.

Thank you,

Version: unspecified
Severity: normal



Event Timeline

bzimport raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.Nov 22 2014, 3:44 AM
bzimport set Reference to bz69477.

Please provide authoritative sources when you request changing an autonym.

daroemenenzullennivergaan wrote:

(In reply to Siebrand Mazeland from comment #1)

Please provide authoritative sources when you request changing an autonym.

Dear Siebrand Mazeland,
I am citing the entry for "armãneashti" (as a feminine noun), cf. Tiberius Cunia's 2008 "Dictsiunar a Limbãljei Armãneascã" (

"armãneashti1/armãneashte (ar-mã-neásh-ti) sf armãneshti (ar-mã-nésh-ti) – limba >di dadã (armãneascã) a armãnjlor, vlãheashti\
{ro: limba aromână}
{fr: l’aroumain, la langue aroumaine}
{en: Aromanian, the Aroma-nian language}
ex: el zbura ghini armãneshtili; lj-u turnã armã-neashti (tu limba armãneascã)".

Please let me know if you are also interesed in sources regarding the fact that "armãneashce" is a regional phoneticism.


(In reply to daroemenenzullennivergaan from comment #2)

Please let me know if you are also interesed in sources regarding the fact
that "armãneashce" is a regional phoneticism.

I guess it would not necessarily hurt, if it's not a lot of work for you.

Change 157349 had a related patch set uploaded by Nemo bis:
Set rup/roa-rup autonym to "armãneashti"

CLDR doesn't have anything for rup, other than the English name, so there's nothing to do there.

Change 157349 merged by jenkins-bot:
Set rup/roa-rup autonym to "armãneashti"