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Inactive checkboxes create mousepointer style issues
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Mousing over the inactive checkboxes at turns my mousepointer into the hand icon.

This shouldn't happen. It doesn't happen at or other wikis.

(Side-detail: If I click the inactive checkbox, it only becomes active at the right/bottom/left border (not top).
If I click it again, it changes back to active all over.)

Version: unspecified
Severity: minor



Event Timeline

bzimport raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.Nov 22 2014, 3:53 AM
bzimport set Reference to bz70474.

The main part could probably be fixed with setting cursor appropriately. However, I don't know why Firefox (unless this is code somewhere else) is apparently changing the cursor when the checkbox is disabled. The checked state doesn't change.

The thing about right/bottom/left edge is confirmed and weird.

I tested in Iceweasel (Firefox) 30.0.

The behavior is different (better) in Chromium 35.0.1916.153. There, it doesn't even seem to use the specified pointer (hand) cursor.

Change 161280 had a related patch set uploaded by Prtksxna:
checkbox.less: Set cursor on label instead of pseudo element

Change 161280 merged by jenkins-bot:
checkbox.less: Set cursor on label instead of pseudo element