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Create a Guided Tour for Media Viewer
Closed, DeclinedPublic


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As a user, I can learn quickly how the new version of Media Viewer works, so that I better understand how it works now.

Acceptance Criteria

  • Create a Guided Tour showing what's new when they first see the new design
  • Introduce new features ('More details' button, captions above the fold, click to enlarge)
  • Show users how they can quickly disable or re-enable Media Viewer
  • Communicate the general message of Media Viewer not a replacement for the File Page.
  • Only show the Guided Tour the first time they see the new version
  • Make it accessible from the About and Help pages
  • Use the Guided Tour software to implement

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Event Timeline

MingleTerminator raised the priority of this task from to Medium.Dec 8 2014, 6:44 PM
gerritbot subscribed.

Change 185670 had a related patch set uploaded (by Unicodesnowman):
Add interactive tour of Media Viewer


Mass-removing the Multimedia tag from MediaViewer tasks, as this is now being worked on by the Reading department, not Editing's Multimedia team.

Hey @Unicodesnowman (awesome name by the way! :)) - last patch was in Feb 6, 2015 apologies it's just sat there.
This patch seems to have stalled. @Tgr / @Unicodesnowman is there any reason why?

Mostly me forgetting about it. Sorry :(
IIRC Pau had some minor usability concerns which still needed addressing.

Jdlrobson added a subscriber: Pginer-WMF.

@Unicodesnowman @Pginer-WMF can you help me move this along?

In general, I think that initiatives that help making our deployments more gradual are needed and positive. As opposed to suddenly change drastically the user experience without any previous notice, announcing a new feature to opt-in, introduce the feature and provide ways to opt-out helps making this transition between the old experience and the new experience more fluent.

That makes especial sense around the time of a change, but Media Viewer has been already the default experience for a while now. So now, I'm not sure which would be the value of introducing Media Viewer as a "new" change for first-time users. In addition, based on the stats, some of the features about which there were doubts about their discovery seem to be frequently used (from 10 Million clicks on thumbnails, users click "next" 7 Million times, and scrolling down for more info about 1 million times).

Considering the above, I think the guided tour can still have value if provided when clicking on "About Media Viewer" in the help link section at the bottom. Getting an in-context overview as Guided Tours provide may work better than leading the users to a more dense wiki page.

Regarding the specifics of this guided tour, since it was discussed long ago I don't recall much of the specific details. Having some screenshots added to the ticket would be helpful.

Jdlrobson changed the task status from Open to Stalled.Sep 24 2015, 10:27 PM

Let's mark as stalled until we have a clear path forward.

This feature has been deployed for a long time now so it's a bit late for this :)

Change #185670 abandoned by Jdlrobson:

[mediawiki/extensions/MultimediaViewer@master] Add interactive tour of Media Viewer


I am abandoning this patch for now as the associated phabricator task has been declined. Thank you for the contribution!