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Figure out how LTR edit summaries should display in a history listing using an RTL language, and the markup necessary to make that happen
Open, LowPublic


The status quo isn't very consistent:

  • Summary * Foo bar. * Baz. displays as .Foo bar. * Baz *
  • Summary /* Section */ * Foo bar. * Baz. (which displays as Section: *Foo bar. * Baz. on LTR wikis) displays as * Foo bar. * Baz.Section: .
  • Summary /* Section */ * Foo [[bar]]. * Baz. (which displays as Section: *Foo bar. * Baz. on LTR wikis) displays as . ** Foo Section: .

Event Timeline

Anomie raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
Anomie updated the task description. (Show Details)
Anomie subscribed.
matmarex subscribed.

Screenshots as of 2024 – the third case seems fixed:

image.png (159×393 px, 16 KB)
image.png (153×381 px, 15 KB)

(sorry, they're in the opposite order here than in task description)