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PopupWidget callout is oversized in WikimediaUI theme
Closed, DeclinedPublic0 Estimated Story Points


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Esanders raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
Esanders updated the task description. (Show Details)
Esanders added a project: VisualEditor.

The size is intentional; the positioning needs fixing, though.

We need to reduce the size of this callout. It wasn't really designed in context, so now that we have context we can finally properly adjust it. I think it's about 2x too big.

Volker_E renamed this task from PopupWidget callout is oversized in MW theme and overlaps text to PopupWidget callout is oversized in MW theme.Feb 14 2017, 5:52 AM
Volker_E lowered the priority of this task from Medium to Lowest.

“Overlapping text” is in the mean time fixed.

@Pginer-WMF Do you think the anchor/callout/triangle is oversized in MediaWiki theme with its base side width of 10px. I've always thought it's a tad too prominent and should probably be reduced to 8px.
In the OOjs UI documentation Apex theme is still featured as default theme, it features a 7px base side width.
I propose to go for a 8px base side width.

Current (as of v0.19.4):

T85949 Popup base side width _ OOjs UI Demos 2017-03-06.png (250×674 px, 29 KB)


T85949 Popup base side width 8px _ OOjs UI Demos 2017-03-06.png (248×664 px, 29 KB)

@Pginer-WMF Do you think the anchor/callout/triangle is oversized in MediaWiki theme with its base side width of 10px. I've always thought it's a tad too prominent and should probably be reduced to 8px.

The proposals look good to me, but I wanted to point out that there are different measures involved here that we may want to specify and make conscious decisions about: length of the sides, angles, and separation from the object. For example, if you aim at a 8px vertical rithm (maybe we don't need it here), the triangle in your example despite using an 8px side as a base is going to break the rithm because of Pythagoras.

Jdforrester-WMF renamed this task from PopupWidget callout is oversized in MW theme to PopupWidget callout is oversized in WikimediaUI theme.May 20 2017, 8:23 AM
matmarex claimed this task.

It is what it is. I think everyone got used to this design and it would be silly to change it now.

I guess the callout today is a couple pixels smaller than it was 8 years ago when this was filed, so you could also close as "resolved" if you want:

image.png (73×90 px, 1 KB)