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"Create Report" button does not appear when uploading a new cohort
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When you upload a new cohort, once the cohort is validated, the "Create Report" button does not always appear next to the "View Members" button:

pasted_file (730×956 px, 74 KB)

But if you refresh the page, the button should appear:

pasted_file (709×949 px, 80 KB)

This only seems to happen when you have just created the cohort and the cohort has just validated (So you have clicked the "Refresh" button and have waited until it says X out of N members validated.) When clicking on an existing cohort from the list on the left, the button always appears (in my experience.)

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Event Timeline

Abit raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
Abit updated the task description. (Show Details)
Abit added a project: Community-Wikimetrics.
Abit moved this task to Non-technical on the Community-Wikimetrics board.
Abit subscribed.

Sometimes the "create cohort" button never appears.... I have a few cohorts I needed to re-upload because of this.

Capt_Swing moved this task from Non-technical to Backlog on the Community-Wikimetrics board.

Hi @Abit, could you check if this problem still happens - I did a quick test and don't see the button go missing. Thanks!

Hullo @madhuvishy, I just started another batch of Wikimetrics reports and got the same error again.

Screen Shot 2015-06-02 at 10.41.17 AM.png (900×1 px, 267 KB)

Unfortunately, now the button does not reappear, even when you refresh the screen. In addition, you cannot work around this by going to the "Create Report" screen and selecting it there--the cohort doesn't appear in the list.

Screen Shot 2015-06-02 at 10.47.10 AM.png (900×1 px, 218 KB)

Like Edward, I had to delete and re-upload the cohort.

I think this should be an appropiate task for google code in. Please jump on IRC on #wikimedia-analytics for help.

mforns subscribed.

Declining because Wikimetrics is being discontinued. See: T211835.