Beta cluster varnish endpoints are running Ubuntu Precise, should be Debian Jessie to match production.
This is indirectly causing some intermittent 503 issues due to prod+beta VCL changes related to gzip, which are tripping varnish bugs, which are present in the last varnish versions we built for precise (3.0.5plus~x-wm7), but fixed in the newer versions we're running on jessie (3.0.6plus-wm6).
Actions to be conducted:
- create Jessie instances
- prepare puppet.git patches to update Varnish config hash and DNS alias IP addresses
- prepare mediawiki-config.git patch to change the HTCP purging entries
- switch labs public/private IP binding in OpenStack manager (breaking change)
- make sure purges are properly emitted
- verify a labs instance can reach the various FQDN entries (such as
- run a few browser tests jobs that hits beta (to be determined)