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Amend rule for Engage team members
Closed, ResolvedPublic



Related to task T91667 which has been resolved/closed.

Sorry to bring this task up again. Are we able to amend a rule for Engage here and add in access for them to be able to save Unrestricted - General, Community Gifts. Benevity, which is a company that disburses matching gifts that Engage hand key for us have just started to include the original donations from donors, which are Unrestricted - General, Community Gifts. Sorry I didn't realize earlier on. Is this an easy fix?

Event Timeline

RLewis assigned this task to atgo.
RLewis raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
RLewis updated the task description. (Show Details)
RLewis added subscribers: RLewis, awight, Ejegg.

I don't quite understand, "Community Gift" is a type of Gift Source, so that's simple, but "Unrestricted - General" is in Restrictions, and we currently don't enforce any rules about which Restrictions they enter. Should we just leave this alone, or did you want to add a rule?

Change 215535 had a related patch set uploaded (by Awight):
Allow Engage to enter "Community Gift" donations

@awight yeah, I think we're good to keep the Restrictions as they are but just change the rule for Engage to have the option to enter Community Gifts.

@awight was this fixed? Can Engage staff now save Community Gifts?


Not yet, sorry. I'm waiting for code review, then deployment. I'll post here when it's ready to use!

@awight that's cool, just wanted to let Engage staff know.

Sorry, still waiting for review.

Change 215535 merged by jenkins-bot:
Allow Engage to enter "Community Gift" donations

Change 217746 had a related patch set uploaded (by Ejegg):
Allow Engage to enter "Community Gift" donations

Change 217746 merged by jenkins-bot:
Allow Engage to enter "Community Gift" donations

awight triaged this task as Unbreak Now! priority.Jun 24 2015, 5:43 PM
awight added a project: Unplanned-Sprint-Work.


We're hoping to get confirmation that the keying staff is able to use the additional gift sources.

@awight confirmed they can enter additional gift sources.