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Today video is overlapped by text
Closed, ResolvedPublic


This appears to be a bug in the server side html/css.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Open app (or mobile web)
  2. Navigate to "Today” page for June 8, 2015 (Waterfalls in Rickets Glen)

Expected results

I should see the page with no errors

Actual results

The image is partially obscured - the text overlaps. (Screen caps of iOS and Mobile Web)

IMG_5100.jpg (1×750 px, 241 KB)

IMG_5101.jpg (1×750 px, 231 KB)

Event Timeline

Fjalapeno raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
Fjalapeno updated the task description. (Show Details)
Fjalapeno subscribed.
Jhernandez subscribed.

Not sure what is going on but it is an issue with mobile web.

Jhernandez set Security to None.

it's probably a missing class in the template - this happens frequently.

Jdlrobson renamed this task from Today Image is overlapped by text to Today video is overlapped by text.Jun 8 2015, 4:34 PM
Jdlrobson added a project: TimedMediaHandler.

oohh it's a video - so an issue with TimedMediaHandler. Needs to add a thumb class.

"Needs to add a thumb class."

Euh no. it's an inline inclusion, which != thumb.

This mostly seems to have to do with the idiocy that is Template:TFAVIDEO that is wrapping this video.... I have no idea what that is for, but I'm asking.

Thanks @TheDJ, sorry I wrote my answer a bit too fast. So the issue is with the template in that it uses a table (with inline style width:auto; float: left; clear: left; margin: 0.2em 2em 0em 0px; background:transparent;)

It's an abuse of a table from my perspective. Had a div been used with some standard class e.g. thumb the padding would just work.

I don't actually think there is a bug in mobile here and the issue lies with the editing community...

Looks like TheDJ is working on a new version of that template that doesn't use negative margins.

TheDJ claimed this task.

And fixed :)