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Android app showing cached versions of pages too aggressively
Closed, ResolvedPublic


I've heard a few reports from my friends that the Android app is back to showing cached versions of pages too aggressively. This was an issue a while back which we thought we had fixed. I guess it's back! This should be investigated.

Random idea: only cache aggressively on mainspace articles. I think these people are reading discussions on noticeboards which update much faster.

Event Timeline

Deskana raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
Deskana updated the task description. (Show Details)
Deskana subscribed.

Change 217296 had a related patch set uploaded (by Dbrant):
Tweak local cache policy in app.

Change 217296 merged by jenkins-bot:
Tweak local cache policy in app.

Checked on 2.0.103--alpha-2015-06-12 on Samsung Tablet Ce0168(Android 4.0.4)

Is the following expected?
After the page was updated from another device, I need to click on 'Refresh page' to view the updated content. I cannot see the updated page content if I click on the article in 'Saved pages' or navigate with Back button.

Clicking in History on the article title will bring the updated version.

@Etonkovidova Yes, that's the expected behavior for now. Going "back" or via Saved Pages will prefer the cached/saved versions of the page, before attempting to fetch from the network.