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when saving after editing for a long time, try to get a token automatically instead of showing session_fail_preview
Open, MediumPublic


If you edit a page for a long time and try to save, you will see a message saying "We could not process your edit due to a loss of session data. Please try again." (message session_fail_preview).

Does it really have to be this way? Simply re-saving almost always does the trick, so can the software just try to generate the token automatically?

(This might be a dupe because it's a very, very old and annoying issue, but I couldn't find another bug that asks about it.)

Event Timeline

Amire80 raised the priority of this task from to Medium.
Amire80 updated the task description. (Show Details)
Amire80 subscribed.

How long do tokens take to expire, anyway? And do Wikimedia settings differ from the defaults? @aaron, do you know?

Amire80 updated the task description. (Show Details)

We don't use the matchEditToken timestamp yet, so I guess that leaves $wgObjectCacheSessionExpiry (1 hour) and lastly $wgCookieExpiration (30 days).

wgObjectCacheSessionExpiry is kind of janky so I made to reduce inconvenient expirations.

Is this deployed to production Wikipedia sites? If it is, it didn't remove the problem I was talking about.

Is this deployed to production Wikipedia sites? If it is, it didn't remove the problem I was talking about.

I suspect there is a more operation cause (not just the loophole fixed).