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Alpha, beta: Wider than before header and heading widths
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Ic49206ec463b72b7c0285a84849ac0f5e08dbdf6 introduced a bug where the header and the heading of the page are wider than the rest of the page (banner images, page content). Should we apply border-box to those elements or should we make @contentMaxWidthTablet smaller?

Event Timeline

bmansurov raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
bmansurov updated the task description. (Show Details)
bmansurov subscribed.

Yeh because of T86366 now padding is included in the width calculation. Easiest thing to do would be to wrap all impacted elements with the view-border-box class. If these impact VisualEditor then something very wrong is happening, as VisualEditorOverlay should be added to the body tag not any of these.

Is this still applicable or can this be folded into T86366 ?

bmansurov claimed this task.

Closing because the original patch has been reverted.