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Project request for Community-Wishlist-Survey
Closed, ResolvedPublic


We would like to create a Phabricator Project for the technical requests that come out of community surveys, for example, the All-Our-Ideas surveys and the upcoming cross-wiki survey that will be conducted by the Community Tech department. Although most of these requests will be worked on by Community-Tech team, some of them will be routed to other teams, but we still want to be able to track them all on one board (similar to the German-Community-Wishlist board). It should be a publicly viewable project. If you need to set certain users to be able to administer it, please include myself, @Fhocutt, and @NiharikaKohli.

Event Timeline

kaldari raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
kaldari updated the task description. (Show Details)
kaldari added subscribers: kaldari, Niharika, Fhocutt.
Krenair renamed this task from Spaces request for Community-Wishlist to Project request for Community-Wishlist.Aug 7 2015, 11:32 PM
Krenair updated the task description. (Show Details)
Krenair edited projects, added Project-Admins; removed Phabricator.
Krenair set Security to None.
Krenair subscribed.

Seems easy enough. We just need:

  • Name
  • Description
  • Type of project
  • Policy (only if different from the default)


Needs to have an extremely clear description and proper links explaining the process how items land in that project and who to add them. Otherwise anybody might add the Community-Wishlist project to tasks they personally consider important.

Is this something you see the community as being involved in at all?


We would like to create a Phabricator Project for the technical requests that come out of community surveys (...)

Then when, where and how do you propose to engage with them? I refer of course to the design and implementation of the process, not its day-to-day operation.

This task is about the creation of a Phabricator project / tag for "Community-Wishlist", which is a step in the design and implementation of this process.

I agree with @Aklapper that the description of this project and its maintenance need to be very clear to avoid a flood of potentially related tasks. Being this selection and prioritization a core task of the Community-Tech team, I have no doubt that it will be well maintained.

Temporarily assigning to @kaldari to clarify the project description. Please unassign once done.

I have a draft document for the project written up. I'm just waiting to get sign-off on it. Once that happens, it will be posted on-wiki for community feedback. I'll let you guys know as soon as it's posted.

Hey guys, I've written up some process documentation around this project on-wiki:
I've also decided to make the project name more specific—Community-Wishlist-Survey instead of Community-Wishlist (so that it doesn't become a dumping ground). I think I'm ready to move forward with this.

Name: Community-Wishlist-Survey
Description: This project is used by the Community Tech team to manage tasks related to the top requests in the Community Wishlist Survey (
Type of project: tag
Policy: default

Aklapper renamed this task from Project request for Community-Wishlist to Project request for Community-Wishlist-Survey.Aug 19 2015, 2:53 PM
Aklapper triaged this task as Medium priority.
Aklapper claimed this task.

Requested project #Community-Wishlist-Survey has been created:

Please encourage interested people to visit the project and to join the project as members, and to subscribe themselves to the project in order to receive updates!

Recommended practices for project and workboard management in Phabricator are available.

If for some reason you ever want to rename the project, please check the guidelines first.
