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In mobile web Beta, sometimes search field is inoperable (especially on slow connections)
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Sometimes when I open the side drawer in beta by clicking the search icon, the search field is completely inoperable. In other words, clicking on the search field has no effect, even after trying to click it numerous times. This seems to happen mostly when I open the side drawer before the rest of the page has completely loaded (like when I'm on a slow connection).

Event Timeline

kaldari raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
kaldari updated the task description. (Show Details)
kaldari subscribed.
Jhernandez removed a project: Web-Team-Backlog.
Jhernandez set Security to None.
Jhernandez subscribed.

This should be a non-issue when the blocking task is resolved. Will revisit later.

Jhernandez claimed this task.

Closing this off since the header is removed and will be picked up by the deployment train today.