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paraminfo for contenttranslationlist is broken on beta wikis
Closed, ResolvedPublic

Description is a 503

First automated pywikibot build with this problem was about an hour ago (August 19, 2015 22:46:00 UTC) :

The prior build was 10 hours before that, and didnt have the problem.

Event Timeline

jayvdb raised the priority of this task from to Unbreak Now!.
jayvdb updated the task description. (Show Details)
jayvdb added subscribers: jayvdb, greg.

Aug 19 23:32:15 deployment-mediawiki02: #012Fatal error: File not found: /srv/mediawiki/php-master/extensions/ContentTranslation/api/ApiQueryContentTranslationList.php in /srv/mediawiki/php-master/includes/AutoLoader.php on line 90

jayvdb set Security to None.
jayvdb removed a subscriber: XZise.

Change 232667 had a related patch set uploaded (by Legoktm):
Revert "Refactor the dashboard and translationlist modules"

Change 232667 merged by jenkins-bot:
Revert "Refactor the dashboard and translationlist modules"

Legoktm claimed this task.

I reverted the problematic change. The underlying issue here is T109670: ContentTranslation is not running PHPUnit structure tests, which would have prevented this.