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GC error causing donors to create multiple recurring donations
Closed, ResolvedPublic4 Estimated Story Points


Since 8/24 we have seen 11 duplicate GC recurrings caused by donors attempting multiple donations after their initial attempt (which they don't know were successful). Some donors indicated that they received error messages on the first attempt, others say they received no feedback from the form. The messages received include:

GC 6322742090 - 550 Permission Denied,
GC 362210930 - "I received a notice that access to that page was denied."
GC 4600617163 and 3976209062 - “Forbidden Page"

This may possibly overlap with I will scan to make sure this is not also affecting one-time donations, but the 11 tickets we've seen about this have all come from recurring donors.

Updating story points to 4 to reflect work on automating refunds

Event Timeline

MBeat33 raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
MBeat33 updated the task description. (Show Details)
MBeat33 added a project: Fundraising-Backlog.
MBeat33 subscribed.
Ejegg triaged this task as High priority.
Ejegg set Security to None.
Ejegg edited a custom field.

Yep, this is definitely a result of the fix to the linked ticket. I had it resetting the order id in session any time the donor comes in with a different value for 'recurring'. This was a little too aggressive and triggered when the donor returned to our site, which makes us reject them. I'm dialing back the reset so it only triggers if there is a 'recurring' parameter on the URL.

Change 234177 had a related patch set uploaded (by Ejegg):
Limit OID reset on recurring changes, log resets

Change 234177 merged by jenkins-bot:
Limit OID reset on recurring changes, log resets

Change 234200 had a related patch set uploaded (by Ejegg):
Limit OID reset on recurring changes, log resets

Change 234200 merged by jenkins-bot:
Limit OID reset on recurring changes, log resets

Code fix seems good, but I see a whole lot of these in the logs. I will get a list of all txn IDs that might have been affected by this, and especially those with multiple donations. We may have to confirm some of the hanging transactions with GlobalCollect.

We haven't seen any new instances of this error. @Ejegg, if DS can help process any of the batch in the logs by communicating with donors or cancelling/refunding any duplicates, please let me know.

We'll have to cancel the subscriptions, too.

Change 234474 had a related patch set uploaded (by Awight):
Tweak the cancel/refund logic

Change 234476 had a related patch set uploaded (by Awight):
Cancel subscriptions programatically

I've smoke tested the branch head, it seems to do the job! Time to mail ourselves more pizza, we've been talking about adding this functionality for years...

Change 234672 had a related patch set uploaded (by Ejegg):
More refund logic tweaks

Ejegg edited a custom field.

Change 234459 had a related patch set uploaded (by Ejegg):
GlobalCollect refund API

Change 234459 merged by jenkins-bot:
GlobalCollect refund API

Change 234474 merged by jenkins-bot:
Tweak the cancel/refund logic

Change 234476 merged by jenkins-bot:
Cancel subscriptions programatically

Change 234672 merged by jenkins-bot:
More refund logic tweaks

Leaving this in review till we make sure we closed all the associated subscriptions so we can't double-charge them next week

Update from GC
+++ Email 1:
I believe END_ORDER is the call you need.
+++ Email 2:
We are still investigating this issue. We ran some tests in Staging and we are seeing similar issues to what you reported. I should be able to get back to you soon.

Pinging on this--turns out we can't close the subscriptions on GC's side, hopefully nothing is pending in Civi...

Leaving this open till I can make sure all of these are canceled in Civi

Change 239900 had a related patch set uploaded (by Ejegg):
Use Civi method to cancel recurring via qc

Update: 47 of the refunded donations still need the associated subscription canceled (SQL sent to fr-tech for review). Also, none of the refunded donations show up as refunded in Civi because our GC audit parser doesn't handle refunds on recurring donations.

All subscriptions have been canceled, but I still need to mark the initial payments in Civi as refunded on 8/28

Change 239900 merged by Ejegg:
Use Civi method to cancel recurring via qc

Change 240630 had a related patch set uploaded (by Ejegg):
Make refund import logic reusable

Ejegg moved this task from Pending Deployment to Done on the Fundraising Sprint Tom Waits board.

All of the refunded contributions have been marked as such in Civi, and all duplicate subscriptions are canceled.

Change 240630 merged by Ejegg:
Make refund import logic reusable

Change 249564 had a related patch set uploaded (by Eileen):
Use Civi method to cancel recurring via qc

Change 249624 had a related patch set uploaded (by Eileen):
Make refund import logic reusable

Change 249564 abandoned by Eileen:
Use Civi method to cancel recurring via qc

Change 249624 abandoned by Eileen:
Make refund import logic reusable