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Make it possible to tag Huggle edits
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Since this commit, it is possible to tag edits from the API. Provided a custom Huggle tag is made at Special:Tags, it would make it possible to filter edits made by Huggle in recent changes.

Event Timeline

Cenarium raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
Cenarium updated the task description. (Show Details)
Cenarium added a project: Huggle.
Cenarium subscribed.

Please link me to documentation on how to use this for all writing queries we do now. Specifically


We do some others as well but they probably don't need any tagging (action=unwatchlist and so on)

There's a new 'tags' param in the edit API, I've added some documentation.
However, the rollback API doesn't have a 'tags' param yet so I guess this will have to wait until it is supported.

Since which version of mediawiki is this enabled?

Since which version of mediawiki is this enabled?


Are you sure? That thing was around for quite a while.

Last version of mediawiki is 1.25.2 – 2015-08-10 I suppose this feature is released then?

I implemented this and now I am getting

WARNING: API query (edit): Unrecognized value for parameter 'tags': Huggle

You need to create the tag using Special:Tags on each wiki where it is needed, or ask an administrator to do it for you.

Does the edit still succeed when this warning comes back? I can't remember how I implemented it...

Petrb claimed this task.

OK, the feature is probably working, given that admin create this tag and insert tag:name_of_tag in /Config

You will see this tag however only for about 50% of edits made by huggle as most of these are rollbacks which don't support it.

I still see WARNING: API query (edit): Unrecognized value for parameter 'tags': huggle even when I added the tag to english wikipedia. What is wrong here?

In Special:Tags in enwiki it says the huggle tag is "Defined by an extension". If you're a sysop there you need to use the interface on Special:Tags to manually create the tag. Otherwise request such an action from a sysop. AbuseFilter tags can only be applied by AbuseFilter, so that won't cut it.

The current huggle tag is "defined by an extension" because it was created through the edit filter. I've created a tag (Huggle as opposed to huggle, see the bottom of Special:Tags) which can be included in the tool, presumably in the same way you were trying before.

I think it would be better for consistency if tag was in lowercase as other tags. If it can't be created now as it conflicts with existing one, it should be probably added once the edit filter is disabled. But that shouldn't happen before 3.1.17 is released.

Why is this task reopened? Huggle already support this feature, whether it's enabled or not on english wikipedia is not relevant here

Petrb renamed this task from Tag Huggle edits to Make it possible to tag Huggle edits.Sep 15 2015, 3:25 PM
Petrb set Security to None.

I like the tag "Huggle" since it's a proper noun. WPCleaner does and AWB would also start with capitals. Keep lower case for things like "generic tool".