Registration page design
I was a bit confused when reaching Phabricator registration page after clicking on the Bugzilla banner:
It says "You can use your unified Wikimedia account or your Labs/LDAP user to login.". As I have both I didn't know which one to use, only to find out later I can actually merge the two. If Wikimedia SUL is preferred, it should be more prominently displayed then the LDAP/Gerrit/Wikitech login form.
This was a reason for confusion ( so maybe we should include a sentence on the screen to explain which one to use, with a link
User migration
The help page says this:
Your account activity (comments, reports you created, etc) will be merged into your Phabricator account within the next days. Please be patient as this can take quite some time, depending on how active you were in Bugzilla and RT before. After the process to link your previous, imported contributions to your Phabricator account has finished, you will be e.g. able to search for reports in Phabricator that you had created in Bugzilla before Bugzilla's reports were imported into Phabricator.
This process should be somehow integrated into our timeline and/or T15 dependencies.
Are we going to create stub accounts for the users who did not register on time? If so, what will be the process of claiming them?