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Installer allows creating an admin password which is too short
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T94774 changed the minimal password length for admins to 8, but the installer was not updated and still allows creating a password of any length. When you try to log in to your new wiki, you're immediately greeted with a password reset form complaining about your tiny password.

Event Timeline

Majr raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
Majr updated the task description. (Show Details)
Majr added a project: MediaWiki-Installer.
Majr subscribed.

From my point of understand, does it mean that wiki password before(earlier versions) could take varying length of password but now the minimum length is 8 chars. So if someones password was say less than 8 chars (<8 chars) if he/she wants to login to the new release (1.26) he/she will be asked to reset the password?

If my understanding of this task is true, then i will like to work on this task :)

The only problem that i am having is that i need to know where the installer instance in Wiki is so i can access the codes. :)

User::checkPasswordValidity is called in the WebInstallerPage.php, but at that time the user group is not set, because setting the user group needs a database, which is not created yet. Therefore the password policy for sysop user group cannot be checked at this point.

I don't understand clearly what this task is to do. I can see that some policies are set to 8 for MinimulPasswordLength so i am kind of confused which of them should be used. I know that the check is done when the submit() function is called in WebInstallerPage.php. So i don't know which policy is check and also the check of the password length.

Change 249722 had a related patch set uploaded (by TTO):
Installer: Validate password against sysop/bureaucrat policies

This was fixed by @csteipp in rMW66147c798aaf: Check install user's password as sysop/bureaucrat, then effectively reverted, for slightly unclear reasons, in rMW6a69a4eb733b: Add "purpose" to password validity check. That latter patch was in response to T104615, which didn't seem to have anything to do with the installer, so I'm a bit puzzled.

demon moved this task from Backlog to To be backported on the MW-1.26-release board.

Change 249722 merged by jenkins-bot:
Installer: Validate password against sysop/bureaucrat policies

Change 250488 had a related patch set uploaded (by Chad):
Installer: Validate password against sysop/bureaucrat policies

Change 250488 merged by jenkins-bot:
Installer: Validate password against sysop/bureaucrat policies

demon claimed this task.
demon moved this task from To be backported to Done on the MW-1.26-release board.