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Make selenium users use botflags at beta-cluster by setting the bot flag (passing "bot=1" parameter) when saving edits
Open, Needs TriagePublic


I would prefer it, if the selenium users at enwp beta and wikidatawiki beta will use botflags for their edits. Since T115370 their are at the global selenium user group (, and I added the users to that ( (Feel free to report, if a account is missing, then I will add it). This group is active at commonswiki, wikidatawiki and enwiki (, so they are able to use a botflag, so please enable using botflag for edits, that will make it much easier to patrol the recent changes fast.

Event Timeline

Luke081515 raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
Luke081515 updated the task description. (Show Details)
Luke081515 added subscribers: Luke081515, zeljkofilipin.
hashar triaged this task as Medium priority.Oct 21 2015, 7:50 PM
hashar moved this task from To Triage to In-progress on the Beta-Cluster-Infrastructure board.
hashar added a project: OKR-Work.
hashar set Security to None.

(Not really a On Wiki change, the accounts got botflags already, but don't flag their edits, so a code problem)

It looks like they use the UI rather than the API, so probably can't set the bot flag on edits?

Ah, it looks like you can add an input with name="bot" and set it to value 1. I know in JS you can do it with $( '#wpMinoredit' ).after( $( '<input>' ).attr( { name: 'bot', type: 'hidden', value: '1' } ) ); but I don't know how to code that in to the tests.

zeljkofilipin lowered the priority of this task from Medium to Low.May 26 2017, 3:29 PM

@Krenair what is needed to be done to move this forward?

I think you'll have to make some test code in MW core set the bot flag when saving edits

Sorry, I am still not sure what to do. Let me explicitly state what I understand, so it might be more clear what I do not understand.

Selenium user (and friends) mostly edit:

  • 6,198 edits
  • 253,614 edits
  • 99,065 edits

The edit's are done using Selenium from Ruby or Node.js. Ruby framework is using mediawiki_selenium Ruby gem, Node.js is using WebdriverIO NPM package. Mentioned tools are editing MediaWiki using web interface, like a user would.

Selenium user is also used to edit via the API using mediawiki_api Ruby gem and nodemw NPM package.

The only thing I have found about bot flag is Manual:Bots but there are no details on how to do it, so I am still lost.

zeljkofilipin changed the task status from Open to Stalled.Oct 30 2017, 2:05 PM

I do not know how to proceed.

@Kunal: I have just talked to @demon about this and he said you might know about botflags :)

@Kunal: I have just talked to @demon about this and he said you might know about botflags :)

You mean @Legoktm ?

You mean @Legoktm ?

It's possible. :) It was a few months ago, I have forgot what @demon said.

Three years stalled... Does really nobody know about botflags on beta cluster and could share their knowledge? :'(

Aklapper renamed this task from Make selenium users use botflags at beta-cluster to Make selenium users use botflags at beta-cluster by setting the bot flag when saving edits.Feb 1 2021, 11:45 AM
Aklapper removed a subscriber: Kunal.

I don't think that the bot flag can be used when doing edits from the browser.

On a related note, I found from 2014 coming from discussion in T67494, but admit I haven't read the complete thread (Mailman 2 is a horrible UI).

In T116027#6791255, @Majavah wrote:

I don't think that the bot flag can be used when doing edits from the browser.

Ah, thanks a lot for chiming in! In that case this ticket should probably simply be closed as declined or invalid if it's not possible at all...

Aklapper renamed this task from Make selenium users use botflags at beta-cluster by setting the bot flag when saving edits to Make selenium users use botflags at beta-cluster by setting the bot flag (passing "bot=1" parameter) when saving edits.Feb 20 2021, 12:46 PM

Aklapper renamed this task from Make selenium users use botflags at beta-cluster by setting the bot flag when saving edits to Make selenium users use botflags at beta-cluster by setting the bot flag (passing "bot=1" parameter) when saving edits.

If adding bot=1 to the URL is all that needs to be done, then that's trivial to do.

Aklapper changed the task status from Stalled to Open.Apr 12 2021, 5:18 PM
zeljkofilipin raised the priority of this task from Low to Needs Triage.Oct 7 2021, 3:29 PM
zeljkofilipin added a project: Browser-Tests.