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Setup gerrit mirror of the repos from GitHub
Closed, DeclinedPublic


So they can be deployed into production!

The repos are on

Event Timeline

yuvipanda assigned this task to Halfak.
yuvipanda raised the priority of this task from to High.
yuvipanda updated the task description. (Show Details)
yuvipanda added subscribers: Krenair, Joe, Legoktm and 10 others.

Mirror? Umm... No, I think gerrit should be the primary repository.

No, this is going to be on Github and we aren't even going to automatically mirror on Gerrit - just push for deploy. (Discussed this with @Halfak and @akosiaris on IRC)

Can we also not have a 'everything is terrible you are killing us because this is on github?' conversation again please? We can reconsider when phabricator is usable, but I will refrain from engaging in a 'OMG github' conversation in this case. For ops it's good enough that we have a gerrit endpoint to deploy from, and I'll set that up shortly.

(The MW extension is already in gerrit, fwiw)

I'm a little confused, is this declined?

Yeah - we're not going to setup *automatic* mirrors - but we'll setup direct push repositories in gerrit that whoever is deploying ores will push to before deploying. It isn't really automatic and just involves creating the appropriate repos so I decided to close this. Automatic mirroring from github also has security concerns that whoever is deploying pushing to gerrit does not.