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Scap3 needs a way to handle large binary file transport
Closed, ResolvedPublic


If scap3 is going to be a viable trebuchet replacement, then it should also replace trebuchet's use of git-fat.

Event Timeline

thcipriani raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
thcipriani updated the task description. (Show Details)
thcipriani added projects: Scap, Deployments.

From our meeting, @demon specifically called out .jar files being important in this workflow.

Contenders are:

  • git-fat
  • git-lfs
  • git-annex

There have been some problems with git-fat rehydrating files on targets, but at this point it's unclear if those problems are the result of the interaction between trebuchet and git-fat, or are git-fat specific.

@demon mentioned in IRC that git-lfs is https-only and requires a special server implementation—which may not jive with our current dumb-transport-via-tin implementation.

@demon mentioned in IRC that git-lfs is https-only and requires a special server implementation—which may not jive with our current dumb-transport-via-tin implementation.

The canonical implementation right now is closed source at Github. There's a couple of implementations but most seem pretty immature and none are in Python.

thcipriani triaged this task as Medium priority.Feb 5 2016, 6:27 PM
thcipriani moved this task from Needs triage to Services improvements on the Scap board.

git-annex has released a feature to make it even easier to work with large binary files,

thcipriani raised the priority of this task from Medium to High.Mar 4 2016, 6:49 PM
dduvall set Security to None.
dduvall moved this task from Debt to Needs Triage on the Scap (Scap3-MediaWiki-MVP) board.

phabricator now supports git-lfs.

thcipriani assigned this task to dduvall.

Scap now supports git-fat the same as trebuchet.