Yesterday I noticed we still have some tox jobs running on the permanent slave. An example is tox-flake8, we also have jobs suffixed with -trusty which was to use python 3.4.
This task is about:
- identify all tox jobs still running on permanent slaves
- update the JJB config to use Nodepool (node: ci-jessie-wikimedia and parameters: zeromq)
- update jobs
- verify it works on the various repo
- celebrate
Status as of 2bb918dd220ace0f3bc802c69c1c3c6ff949b15d April 5th 09:07 UTC
$ grep -l tox output/*|xargs grep -l assignedNode.*Ubuntu|cut -d/ -f2 mw-tools-releng-tox-doc-publish mw-tools-scap-tox-doc-publish pywikibot-core-tox-doc-publish pywikibot-tests-beta-cluster tox-flake8
The publish jobs will be annoying they push to integration-publisher then trigger a job that grab the material from gallium. Can be migrated later.