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MOU for Oliver
Closed, DeclinedPublic

Event Timeline

DarTar triaged this task as Medium priority.
DarTar updated the task description. (Show Details)

@DarTar what's the status on this? Shall I move ahead?

I marked this as blocked on T127789: it looks like @Ironholds_backup and @Nuria still have to meet to finalize the data collection requirements.

Yeah, we actually have finalised it I've just been overwhelmed with
the first week of $newjob and haven't written them down yet.

yuvipanda subscribed.

ok :) I'll wait! :)

What does MOU stand for?

memorandum of understanding

ggellerman moved this task from Backlog to Blocked on the Research board.
ggellerman edited projects, added Research-Freezer; removed Research.

Moved back to backlog since it didn't have any update in weeks, please ping us if/when you want to resurrect this.

@Ironholds : Can you give me an ETA when you think you'll find the time? Otherwise I'll disable your cluster access temporarily, it can be reinstated once the MOU is sorted out.

I've now removed Oliver's cluster access. It can be reinstated if that MOU still happens.

@DarTar I'm going to Decline this task. Please open it when/if it's needed.