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Proxy corner case: proxy name == domain name
Closed, ResolvedPublic


The example of this I'm looking at right now is ''. I've set up a by-hand entry right now, but perhaps the proxy panel should handle it.

Ordinarily a record like '' would be on the domain ''. In the case of, though, the domain '' also exists. In that case, apparently the record '' needs to belong to the subdomain '' -- if it belongs to it doesn't resolve.

So, I guess this is yet another special case that the proxy panel needs to handle :(

Event Timeline

For the record, I'm not sure that fixing this is a better solution than just saying "Don't do that then"

For the record, I'm not sure that fixing this is a better solution than just saying "Don't do that then"

Would this mean that we can no longer have https protection for Horizon proxied services? It looks like the CN on our cert is only *

Would this mean that we can no longer have https protection for Horizon proxied services?

I was thinking more in terms of the opposite case: 'If you want a proxy at, then you can't also have things in a subdomain like"

I've just verified that there are no longer any current proxies bitten by this issue. It's still a UI issue though.

chasemp triaged this task as Medium priority.Apr 4 2016, 1:51 PM

well, I was wrong about the 'no longer any current proxies bitten' thing -- is one. So my audit was wrong somehow.

For the record, I'm not sure that fixing this is a better solution than just saying "Don't do that then"

Would this mean that we can no longer have https protection for Horizon proxied services? It looks like the CN on our cert is only *

If we really wanted to support *.* domains I imagine we could have some setup involving Let's Encrypt to deal with that.
* domains are fine.

Change 471203 had a related patch set uploaded (by Alex Monk; owner: Alex Monk):
[openstack/horizon/wmf-proxy-dashboard@master] Handle proxy domain existing as an actual zone in the current project

Change 471203 merged by Andrew Bogott:
[openstack/horizon/wmf-proxy-dashboard@master] Handle proxy domain existing as an actual zone in the current project

Change 479565 had a related patch set uploaded (by Andrew Bogott; owner: Alex Monk):
[openstack/horizon/wmf-proxy-dashboard@ocata] Handle proxy domain existing as an actual zone in the current project

Change 479565 merged by Andrew Bogott:
[openstack/horizon/wmf-proxy-dashboard@ocata] Handle proxy domain existing as an actual zone in the current project

Change 479566 had a related patch set uploaded (by Andrew Bogott; owner: Andrew Bogott):
[openstack/horizon/deploy@ocata] Update wmf-proxy-dashboard

Change 479566 merged by Andrew Bogott:
[openstack/horizon/deploy@ocata] Update wmf-proxy-dashboard

Mentioned in SAL (#wikimedia-operations) [2018-12-13T23:13:51Z] <andrew@deploy1001> Started deploy [horizon/deploy@18c4ca6]: Rolling out fix for T131367

Mentioned in SAL (#wikimedia-operations) [2018-12-13T23:17:16Z] <andrew@deploy1001> Finished deploy [horizon/deploy@18c4ca6]: Rolling out fix for T131367 (duration: 03m 25s)

Andrew claimed this task.

I've deployed @Krenair 's fix for this and it looks good.