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Create and style overall layout for WikiProject pages
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Currently stuff is just dumped on the page. It should be dumped with div ids and classes and styled.

Event Timeline

Harej renamed this task from Create and style overall layout for CollaborationHub pages to Create and style overall layout for WikiProject pages.May 27 2016, 9:48 AM
Harej subscribed.

Are you planning on changing the design from its current template-based implementation?

Not necessarily much initially. It will definitely be based on the current layout, though it will probably be toned down a bit for more skin agnosticity.


  • Edit links for section headers on main hub pages
  • Special styling for the subpages
  • Copying over more of the WPX UI styles

Anything else that's remaining?

I think it mostly just needs ToC styling now. Also I need to fix the less so it actually uses the php variables somehow, but haaaaard, so that may not happen any time soon.

Also something something wrong kind of RL modules FOUC, but.. .er.

Change 298048 had a related patch set uploaded (by Isarra):

Change 298048 merged by Harej:
Design and implement WikiProject X styles, and miscellaneous backend changes

THAR BE STYLES. They're not great, but they be styles.