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updateNotificationTimestamp() should batch queries
Closed, ResolvedPublic


If a page is watched my many users, then the UPDATE query should be batched. Currently this runs as a post-send update in idle-transaction mode. It shouldn't be to hard to add batching.

Event Timeline

Change 287297 had a related patch set uploaded (by Aaron Schulz):
Batch updateNotificationTimestamp() UPDATE queries

Change 290292 had a related patch set uploaded (by Umherirrender):
Batch updateNotificationTimestamp() UPDATE queries (without wl_id)

Change 290292 merged by jenkins-bot:
Batch updateNotificationTimestamp() UPDATE queries (without wl_id)

Change 287297 abandoned by Aaron Schulz:
[DNM] Make updateNotificationTimestamp() use the PK

wl_id can now be used safely on wmf.