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Show wikidata query results as map markers
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Per this request, we should allow some sort of a integration between wikidata and maps service.

Open questions:

  • should we extend geojson spec to support this?
  • Should we wait for half a year until wikidata query pages are ready, and instead have an attribute instead of changing geojson?
  • Should it be a drop-in replacement from wikidata query to a pre-generated query? (query pages will not support dynamic, per request parameters)
  • How should it coexist with the regular geojson objects?
  • What syntax should be used for text description? should there be a wikitext/lua transformation from wdqs response into a title/description fields?

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What's the status of enabling using a SPARQL query in Wikidata to display POIs in a mapframe/maplink? (If possible, I would be interested in showing any work-in-progress in a week's time)

@Susannaanas, next week you will be able to draw anything on top of the map using the graph extension (it will support getting static maps) - so you can draw any additional visualization, including directly from sparql on a map (or even have two different maps or any other crazy drawing) - see my example (for now you must click "play" - I need to update the backend). But, this is a graph ext, not map, so only static maps that don't move much.
As for this task -- I will need to speak with @Gehel and @Smalyshev to make sure that this will have approximately the same usage pattern as via the geoshape service. There will be no deployments until next week (Ops are taking a break)

@Susannaanas - static map. Also, please update your maps later today - we are discontinuing "href" ExternalData, replacing it with "service". See example.