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Support <score> tags in Content Translation
Closed, ResolvedPublic


The article was translated into Hebrew. The first translated version had useless <nowiki> tags with URLs with links to PNG images on In fact, in the original article these are not images, but musical scores created using <score> tags, and stored as temporary files with random names on

We need to support the <score> tag. At the first stage we can probably just copy the content of the score to the translation without changes, because musical notation is universal :)

Event Timeline

We need to write an adaptation module similar to existing modules - gallery or peom

Amire80 triaged this task as Medium priority.Jul 22 2016, 8:42 PM

Results of testing of <score> tag support

  • Tested on these language pairs: en>iw, en>zh, en>gu, en>es, en>ji, fr>ru
  • Tested both Lilypond and ABC notation.
  • Tested both block and inline <score> elements.
  • Tested all translation engines available for the language pair.

Could find only ONE instance in which a <score> element was not translated, and that was when testing en>zh and using the Youdao translation engine. I could successfully translate plain text with Youdao, but when I attempted a <score> element, I got the error message "machine translation failed," and the translation block was left empty.

In every other situation, translation of <score> worked perfectly. Even in the specific page and language pair mentioned above
( in en>iw), <score> elements translated without trouble, even
though the bulk of the normal text did not (because apparently the source article uses templates that aren't available in the
target language.)

Etonkovidova claimed this task.
Etonkovidova subscribed.

Thanks, @Barbvd. Closing as Resolved.

Etonkovidova added a subscriber: KartikMistry.

Although support for musical notations, i.e. <score> when editing in ContentTranslation seems to be fine, and, the translation could be successfully done, some specific issues still present for translation of articles with <score> tags (thx to @KartikMistry to point it out). After re-testing, I decided to create a separate task since it seems that the problem with <score> tags differs from what is described in this task and is more general - T216859.