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Batch Number Disappeared for Engage
Closed, ResolvedPublic1 Estimated Story Points


Engage just alerted me that they aren't able to enter batch numbers for contributions. Their note below:

"We are having some issues with Civi. When attempting to record a contribution, the batch number field is not appearing. We have found this to be an issue on multiple accounts and computers."

Can you please fix so that they can enter donations?

Event Timeline

LeanneS triaged this task as Unbreak Now! priority.Jul 11 2016, 6:34 PM

Note that the Engage role has some special hooks you should be aware of. Try assigning yourself that role in order to test correctly.


It looks like the field is there when the right financial type is chosen but it might not be being pre-selected? @LeanneS do you know?

@Eileenmcnaughton I can ask, but I believe they would only be using the Engage financial type.

With patch , I see the 'Engage' type pre-selected for an 'Engage Direct Mail' user, but the 'Batch Number' field still has no input:

MissingBatchNumber.png (739×693 px, 62 KB)

@Ejegg is that local - I found the field was view only locally - probably an error in the site install

Change 298635 had a related patch set uploaded (by Eileen):
Gift Information field is not view_only on live, don't make it so on dev

Change 298635 merged by jenkins-bot:
Gift Information field is not view_only on live, don't make it so on dev

I've set this to done because I fixed the bug I understood this to be .... But Engage replied this before the deploy

"Changing the financial type, then editing the record does make the batch number field appear. It doesn’t save the postmark date when doing this however, so there will be added time to save and correct these fields, just so you are aware."

I don't know what it means - do you @LeanneS ?

@Eileenmcnaughton Postmark date is another field that they use under Contribution Extra. It appears that they aren't able to save the donation when trying to use this field. I'm not exactly sure what is meant by the "added time to save and correct these fields" part though.

Engage confirmed that both the batch number and postmark date field issues are resolved:

"Our issues are all fixed now, it’s actually better than before because the batch field now shows up without having to save first. No issues with the postmark date anymore either."

Thanks to all for fixing!