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Make fancy icon selection dialog for specialeditcollaborationkit
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Non-js users will just get a text input where they need to put in a filename or a string id matching an existing icon, but normally users should have a button to click on for changing the icon (or maybe just the icon itself), which will dump on them a VE-like image selection dialog.

Mockups to come. I obviously don't expect you to do anything with this until then.

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@Bawolff Please let me know if you need this sooner rather than later, since I'm totally procrastinating on it right now in the hopes something happens with the VE one.

Alternately I may just mock up a shitty redo of the VE interface and try to get you to reimplement the entire thing.

Actually let's just make it exactly like VE. But with an extra tab for selecting of the canned ones.

image select.png (535×717 px, 37 KB)

Change 316522 had a related patch set uploaded (by Harej):
Icon select dialog for creating hub features.

Change 316745 had a related patch set uploaded (by Harej):
Hub image selector.

Change 316522 merged by jenkins-bot:
Icon select dialog for creating hub features.

Change 317382 had a related patch set uploaded (by Harej):
Hub image selector.

Change 317382 abandoned by Harej:
Hub image selector.

This was several commits ago and rebasing seems tedious; will try again.