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Map sources using Wikidata to wd_item
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Since the resolution of T55808 we can harvest Wikidata IDs from the lists. We should complete the mappings of lists already using Wikidata IDs.

A quick search yields the following candidates:

  • gb-eng (en)
  • es-vc (ca)
  • es-ct (ca)
  • ca (en)
  • de-he (de)

Event Timeline

Change 299890 had a related patch set uploaded (by Jean-Frédéric):
Harvest Wikidata item in gb-eng (en)

Change 299891 had a related patch set uploaded (by Jean-Frédéric):
Harvest Wikidata item for Canada in English ca_(en)

Change 299891 merged by jenkins-bot:
Harvest Wikidata item for Canada in English ca_(en)

Change 299890 merged by jenkins-bot:
Harvest Wikidata item in gb-eng (en)

Not sure it worked though :-( This API call returns the gb-en monuments with Wikidata item, and it’s empty:

Change 317538 had a related patch set uploaded (by Jean-Frédéric):
Harvest Wikidata item in es-ct (ca)

Why don't we just add the mappings for all sources in one go? Default field name is wd_item and if people decide to add it, it works right away. That saves us for having to do a change for every source that decides to enable this. Worst case they give the field another name and we just need to rename it.

The Wikidata link should probably be to the entity. So instead of .

We might want to consider adding support for outputting rdf triples and other semantic fun....

Change 317538 merged by jenkins-bot:
Harvest Wikidata item for es-ct (ca)

Somehow there has been no harvesting today. (Labs maintenance?) Anyhow, let’s see if next run picks those up.

4 elements sounds more like an error than anything else, no?