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Complete Spanish Wikibooks edit quality campaign
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Contact: @MarcoAurelio

  • Announce the campaign
  • Status update no. 1
  • Status update no. 2

  • File task for building models based on labeled data.

Event Timeline

@MarcoAurelio, can you announce the labeling campaign to eswikibooks so that we can get people working on it?

@MarcoAurelio, can you announce the labeling campaign to eswikibooks so that we can get people working on it?

Sure. Please tell me if people need to do something else, such as edit tagging, etc.

I installed the script but I can't see any label button or anything new at es.wikibooks. Further, no new gadget on special:Preferences.

I've just announced it and fixed my cookies, so I've been able to do an initial tagging of 50 revisions.

Thanks @MarcoAurelio. We're working on making that user script easier to use. Thanks for your patience with it.

Halfak triaged this task as Medium priority.Sep 15 2016, 3:01 PM
Halfak moved this task from Unsorted to Blocked on community input on the Machine-Learning-Team board.

The labeling is still in progress, although it might take us a while since we're few involved in this task.

Halfak lowered the priority of this task from Medium to Lowest.Jun 29 2017, 2:56 PM

This should be complete now. There are 40 labels left that belong to deleted pages.

Ladsgroup claimed this task.

This is done.