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Refine WMF icon set to remove teardrop stylistic detail
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Based on various discussions and interest from Design team, we would be refining the WMF icon set not to include the teardrop stylistic details.

decision was based on multiple discussions offline

the following aspects were considered to make this decision.

  • Value of distinctive shape
  • effort of doing it
  • meaning behind it
  • ambiguity introduced by it

    if there are any different views about this, please discuss in this task.

Here's an example so you know what we are talking about

teardrop.png (572×1 px, 32 KB)

Event Timeline

It would be great for argumentation purposes to repeat the conclusions given in the task description with more examples.

@Volker_E sure, i can upload 10 most used icons with and without teardrops

RHo renamed this task from Refine WMF icon set to Refine WMF icon set to remove teardrop stylistic detail.Jan 16 2017, 11:17 PM