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Port CopyPatrol to Czech Wikipedia
Closed, ResolvedPublic3 Estimated Story Points


Set up a CopyPatrol interface for Czech Wikipedia ( Community consensus to be found at Czech Village pump (technical).

Event Timeline

Wesalius triaged this task as Medium priority.Nov 25 2016, 7:39 AM

Yup, I'll work on it. Maybe a subtask needed for better tracking?

Niharika subscribed.

This should be straightforward to do now that French version is deployed. I'm happy to report that iThenticate does support Czech: (yay!)

Thanks for filing this task!

kaldari set the point value for this task to 3.Dec 1 2016, 7:02 PM

@Urbanecm Thank you very much. Only string left to translate is "Image attribution". I am unable to come up with anything suitable...

You're welcome. Maybe "Autorství obrázku" but I'm not sure... What do you think?

I cant come up with anything better so go ahead and knock the last one out ;-)

Okay, the script for fetching false positives for cswiki is running in cron but it hasn't gathered any records so far. The error log shows:

Missing updates for long time. Restarting....
Missing updates for long time. Restarting....
Missing updates for long time. Restarting....
Missing updates for long time. Restarting....
Missing updates for long time. Restarting....
Missing updates for long time. Restarting....
Missing updates for long time. Restarting....
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/data/project/eranbot/gitPlagiabot/plagiabot/", line 830, in <module>
  File "/data/project/eranbot/gitPlagiabot/plagiabot/", line 825, in main
  File "/data/project/eranbot/gitPlagiabot/plagiabot/", line 585, in run
    for page in live_gen:
  File "/data/project/eranbot/gitPlagiabot/plagiabot/", line 581, in <genexpr>
    live_gen = (p for p in irc_rc_listener(, filter_gen))
  File "/mnt/nfs/labstore-secondary-tools-project/eranbot/gitPlagiabot/plagiabot/", line 110, in irc_rc_listener
    raise Exception('Too many restarts of IRC listner bot')
Exception: Too many restarts of IRC listner bot

The problem is that the IRC listener bot restarts if it doesn't get any messages for X amount of time. Since cswiki is not as high on traffic as en or fr wikis, we'd have to up the time limit. I've pinged eranroz to hear his thoughts about this.

Niharika moved this task from In Development to Q1 2018-19 on the Community-Tech-Sprint board.

Done! Live on

@Wesalius @Urbanecm - let me know if anything seems amiss. :)