I expect ''''blah'''' to be rendered as <b>'blah'<b/> while it is rendered as '<b>blah'</b> so either I should change my expectations (!) or we should touch the parser :p
Version: 1.12.x
Severity: trivial
I expect ''''blah'''' to be rendered as <b>'blah'<b/> while it is rendered as '<b>blah'</b> so either I should change my expectations (!) or we should touch the parser :p
Version: 1.12.x
Severity: trivial
The last guy who ventured in to Parser::doAllQuotes() was not seen again for three weeks, assumed by his loved ones to have met his doom in the teeth of a hungry pair of angle brackets. He came out alive, but he still has terrifying flashbacks, years later. So changing your expectations might be easier.
So what's the expected markup for Huji's expected result? '''<nowiki>'blah'</nowiki>''' ?
FWIW, Parsoid is bug-compatible with the PHP parser in this case, so any proposed change would have to be in both places.
Huh. I think fixing this would be straightforward. Would it break a bunch of content if I did?