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Autofill link for Wikidata's citoid gadget: data retrieval should be signified
Open, LowPublic


Need: Know that my action (click) was noted and the system is reacting on it

Problem: When I click autofill, nothing happens until the autofilled values appear.

Suggestion: Show a spinner behind or below the autofill link

image.png (127×694 px, 10 KB)

Event Timeline

Restricted Application added a subscriber: Aklapper. · View Herald Transcript
Jdforrester-WMF renamed this task from Autofill link for citoid gadget: data retrieval should be signified to Autofill link for Wikidata's citoid gadget: data retrieval should be signified.Jan 3 2017, 8:17 PM
Deskana removed a project: VisualEditor.

This is fixed in my fork of CiteTool:

May/Should I close this ticket?

You could file a pull request at

However I think Katie is no longer at WMDE and therefore the repo is kind of in limbo, although she has merged a few minor changes of mine, but not anything major.

I also have a fork at as well. and (which has a lot more properties but is buggy)