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Citoid not working on (Nutrition)
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  • Example 1:
Citoid result:

  • Example 2:
Citoid result:


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Restricted Application added a subscriber: Aklapper. · View Herald Transcript
czar added subscribers: Mvolz, czar.

Pulling fine for me in Zotero Standalone with either Elsevier or Embedded Metadata translators

{{Cite journal |last1=Weisburger |first1=John H. |title=Eat to live, not live to eat ∗ |journal=Nutrition |volume=16 |issue=9 |pages=767–773 |date=2000-09-01 |url= |doi=10.1016/S0899-9007(00)00400-7 |issn=0899-9007, 1873-1244 |pmid=11032452 |df=mdy-all }}


still produces


@Mvolz, is Citoid using the latest versions of Elsevier and EM? (Both are tagged v for server translation. I know there was a status page in progress for this—where is best for me to check?)

But EM support is planned, right? So this task would be blocked by that one (looks like T140539 is the closest ticket)

Looks like a fix was proposed in

Deskana moved this task from To Triage to External and Administrivia on the VisualEditor board.

This is now working, as verified on live wikis and on!/Citation/getCitation

Based on T212 I'm not clear on how to close this kind of task: Resolved (but where's the change?) or Invalid (but wasn't it a valid task?).