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Complete Wikidata item quality campaign
Closed, ResolvedPublic


We have to launch the data labeling campaign, so that we can get training data for our model.

Contact: @Glorian_WD

  • Announce the campaign
  • Status update no. 1
  • Status update no. 2

Event Timeline

Halfak renamed this task from Data Labeling Campaign to Complete Wikidata item quality campaign.Feb 7 2017, 9:40 PM
Halfak updated the task description. (Show Details)

@Ladsgroup : A few days ago @Halfak told me that we need to feed the campaign site with at least 5k Wikidata items to adjust with the revised quality criteria.

Thus, I have pulled 5k random Wikidata items from the database using the interval that we have agreed below:

1- 0 < size < 4381
2- 4381 < size < 7294
3- 7294 < size < 11958
4- 11958 < size < 20321
5- size > 20321

You can find the file containing those Wikidata items below

Glorian_WD reopened this task as Open.