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Use formatversion=2 in ext.translate.messagetable
Closed, ResolvedPublic


The currently used formatversion=1 might be removed in the future. Migrating to formatversion=2 brings benefits, such as utf8 mode by default, that will help to decrease bandwidth usage.

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Event Timeline

Nikerabbit raised the priority of this task from Lowest to Low.

Change 487817 had a related patch set uploaded (by Eugene233; owner: Eugene233):
[mediawiki/extensions/Translate@master] Use formatversion=2 in ext.translate.messagetable

abi_ subscribed.

Adding this to the Language board, since I reviewed / tested an existing patch, and tweaked it a little bit.

Did some general testing. Here are the things that I tested,

As an admin on Special:Translate,

  1. Display translations
  2. Change projects
  3. Change filter - All, Translated, Outdated etc
  4. Checked to ensure validators were working properly
  5. Edited and saved documentation (qqq)
  6. Filtering via searching
  7. Show / hide of optional messages.

As a normal translator on Special:Translate,

  1. Cannot save translations that have syntax errors.

Also tested the Special:TranslationStash page, ensured that the users are able to save the translations properly.

@Jpita - We'd like you to double check this change to ensure that everything is working as expected. The Mediawiki API can return JSON data in different formats which you can read about here.

The submitted patch changes the expected JSON format to version 2 when fetching translations to be displayed on Special:Translate and Special:TranslationStash page.

We can use the MLEB instance for this testing - I'll send you the credentials over PM.

  • You can access the Special:Translate page here. You can create a new page, mark it for translation and then start translating.
  • You can access the Special:TranslationStash page here. You should register as a new translator here to gain access to that page.

We expect this change to be deployed there on 19 Dec, 2019. I'll move this task to Needs QA at that time.

abi_ added a subscriber: Eugene233.

Claiming this, since I'm now working on this. @Eugene233, thanks for your initial patch.

Change 487817 merged by jenkins-bot:
[mediawiki/extensions/Translate@master] Use formatversion=2 in ext.translate.messagetable

abi_ moved this task from Needs QA to Done on the Language-Team (Language-2020-January-March) board.

Marking this as resolved since this has been deployed on Mediawiki since the 7th of January, and has not received any bug reported.