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General CR and cleanup of CollaborationKit
Closed, ResolvedPublic



  • Two instances of this, but $context is never used
						$context = wfEscapeWikiText( substr( $part, 30 ) );
						if ( strlen( $context ) === 30 ) {
							$context .= '...';
  • Line 964, $column is undefined
  • sortUsersIntoColumns is $column actually an array? $column->items usage suggests it's not...
  • Line 601 $itemTags; what is this to do?
  • Line 28, typo "og" should be "of"
  • Line 111-114 replace with return ( $value == 'members' || $value == 'normal' || $value == 'error' );
  • Lines 724 and 725 are the same array key
	private function matchesTag( array $tagSpecifier, array $itemTags ) {
		if ( !$tagSpecifier ) {
			return true;
		$matchesAllGroups = true;
		foreach ( $tagSpecifier as $tagGroups ) {
			foreach ( $tagGroups as $tagAlt ) {
				$matchesOneAlternative = false;
				if ( in_array( $tagAlt, $itemTags ) ) {
					$matchesOneAlternative = true;
			if ( !$matchesOneAlternative ) {
				$matchesAllGroups = false;
		return $matchesAllGroups;
  • matchesOneAlternative is questionably defined


  • Lines 857 and 858 are the same array key


  • cur = getCurrentJson - cur isn't used anywhere else. Is this assignment needed?


		foreach ( CollaborationHubContent::getThemeColours() as $colour ) {
			$colours['collaborationkit-' . $colour] = $colour;
  • Possibly list all messages in full above for grep-ability?


  • Does all the commented out code need to stay?


	public function convertToHumanEditable() {

		$output = $this->displayName;
		$output .= self::HUMAN_DESC_SPLIT;
		$output .= $this->introduction;
		$output .= self::HUMAN_DESC_SPLIT;
		$output .= $this->footer;
		$output .= self::HUMAN_DESC_SPLIT;
		$output .= $this->image;
		$output .= self::HUMAN_DESC_SPLIT;
		$output .= $this->themeColour;
		$output .= self::HUMAN_DESC_SPLIT;
		$output .= $this->getHumanEditableContent();
		return $output;
  • There seems to be a couple of similar implementations of the above?


	 * @return CollaborationHubContent
	public function makeEmptyContent() {
		return new CollaborationHubContent( '{ "display_name": "", "introduction": "", "footer": "", "content": [] }' );
  • Can't decide if this should be a php array, and passed through json_encode or something for readability...


  • Identical implementations of escapeForHumanEditable and unescapeForHumanEditable


  • JS files missing "use strict", I know it's not compulsory, but generally recommended...
  • Various rather loooong lines. I notice Generic.Files.LineLength.TooLong disabled in phpcs.xml too
  • UsageException is deprecated
  • Commented out code blocks. Remove where appropriate. If using it to disable a feature, return a flag that disables it instead?

Related Objects

Event Timeline

Change 339958 had a related patch set uploaded (by Reedy):
Various PHP cleanup of CollaborationKit

Lines 857 and 858 are the same array key

Lines 724 and 725 are the same array key

Subtle difference: double-quotes vs. single quotes. "\n" thus refers to a newline character while '\n' refers to, literally, backslash and n.

Lines 857 and 858 are the same array key

Lines 724 and 725 are the same array key

Subtle difference: double-quotes vs. single quotes. "\n" thus refers to a newline character while '\n' refers to, literally, backslash and n.

Indeed. I might file a bug with PhpStorm about that :)

Change 339958 merged by jenkins-bot:
Various PHP cleanup of CollaborationKit

Change 339961 had a related patch set uploaded (by Reedy):
More PHP cleanup of CollaborationKit

Change 339961 merged by jenkins-bot:
More PHP cleanup of CollaborationKit

Change 339962 had a related patch set uploaded (by Reedy):
Define extension.json requirements for MediaWiki and EventLogging extension

Change 339962 merged by jenkins-bot:
Define extension.json requirements for MediaWiki and EventLogging extension

Change 339964 had a related patch set uploaded (by Reedy):
CSS improvements according to PhpStorm

This is what remains for CSS/LESS etc after the commit above (as far as PhpStorm is concerned)

Screen Shot 2017-02-26 at 20.12.51.png (838×1 px, 178 KB)

Change 339966 had a related patch set uploaded (by Reedy):
Remove unused variables. var-ify various declarations

Change 339964 merged by jenkins-bot:
CSS improvements according to PhpStorm

Change 339966 merged by jenkins-bot:
Remove unused variables. var-ify various declarations

sortUsersIntoColumns is $column actually an array? $column->items usage suggests it's not...

Yes, it's an array containing stdObjects.

sortUsersIntoColumns is $column actually an array? $column->items usage suggests it's not...

Yes, it's an array containing stdObjects.

		foreach ( $column->items as $item ) {

That $column->items may be an array.. But $column seems to be an object itself

Harej updated the task description. (Show Details)


		foreach ( CollaborationHubContent::getThemeColours() as $colour ) {
			$colours['collaborationkit-' . $colour] = $colour;

Possibly list all messages in full above for grep-ability?

There are too many for this to be feasible. Something like 23.

All of the comments have now been addressed through merged or pending patches (aside from the grep-ability thing which we have decided not to do). Please let us know if you identify any further issues.


		foreach ( CollaborationHubContent::getThemeColours() as $colour ) {
			$colours['collaborationkit-' . $colour] = $colour;

Possibly list all messages in full above for grep-ability?

There are too many for this to be feasible. Something like 23.

Other code manages it fine...

Hmm, that doesn't look as awful as I expected. I suppose we can give it a shot.

Yeah. Ours will probably be a bit messier, but it's not horrible.