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Investigate title normalization clashes
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Cognate applies some normalization to page titles, to allow different representations of the same title to be automatically linked.

To evaluate this mechanism, we want to know how often normalization leads to "clashes", that is, how often there exist two titles on the same wiki that have the same normalized form. We would also want to know which of the "clashing" titles are redirects, and how often such clashes occur between non-redirects.

For now, a one-off report based on the live database would be sufficient. For the future, a Special page listing clashes between non-redirect titles may be a useful maintenance tool.

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Event Timeline

Checked for enwiktionary, found 6 pairs of pages:

mysql:wikiadmin@ [cognate_wiktionary]> SELECT a.cgti_raw, b.cgti_raw
    -> FROM cognate_titles as a
    ->   JOIN cognate_titles as b ON a.cgti_normalized_key = b.cgti_normalized_key
    ->   JOIN cognate_pages as p ON p.cgpa_title = a.cgti_raw_key 
    ->     and p.cgpa_namespace = 0 and p.cgpa_site = 8711873510529828948
    ->   JOIN cognate_pages as q ON q.cgpa_title = b.cgti_raw_key 
    ->     and q.cgpa_namespace = 0 and q.cgpa_site = 8711873510529828948
    ->   WHERE a.cgti_raw_key < b.cgti_raw_key 
    -> LIMIT 10;
| cgti_raw                  | cgti_raw                    |
| дев'ятнадцять             | дев’ятнадцять               |
| ...                       | …                           |
| '_'                       | ’_’                         |
| ’                         | '                           |
| luum                     | lu'um                       |
| ni'                       | ni                         |
6 rows in set (39.45 sec)

I checked for dewiktionary, and found 45 clashes. All the ones I checked are duplicates and should be fixed. Most seem to be Korean character transcription

mysql:wikiadmin@ [cognate_wiktionary]> SELECT a.cgti_raw, b.cgti_raw FROM cognate_titles as a   JOIN cognate_titles as b ON a.cgti_normalized_key = b.cgti_normalized_key   JOIN cognate_pages as p ON p.cgpa_title = a.cgti_raw_key      and p.cgpa_namespace = 0 and p.cgpa_site = -3742436511788647340   JOIN cognate_pages as q ON q.cgpa_title = b.cgti_raw_key      and q.cgpa_namespace = 0 and q.cgpa_site = -3742436511788647340 WHERE a.cgti_raw_key < b.cgti_raw_key
    -> ;
| cgti_raw       | cgti_raw      |
| pya           | p'ya          |
| ch'a           | cha          |
| ch’ŏ           | ch'ŏ          |
| ch’o           | ch'o          |
| p'ae           | p’ae          |
| yujach'a       | yujacha      |
| p'u            | p’u           |
| ch'e           | che          |
| pyo           | p'yo          |
| p'e            | pe           |
| ch'ŏl          | ch’ŏl         |
| ch’i           | ch'i          |
| p'urŭda        | p’urŭda       |
| mach’ŏllu      | mach'ŏllu     |
| ti            | t'i           |
| p'           | p          |
| ta            | t'a           |
| t'yu           | tyu          |
| ch’ŏngdong     | ch'ŏngdong    |
| p'yu           | pyu          |
| chae          | ch'ae         |
| ch'ŏng         | ch’ŏng        |
| po            | p'o           |
| ch’ŏldo        | ch'ŏldo       |
| p'wi           | p’wi          |
| ch’ŏlto        | ch'ŏlto       |
| p’ŏ            | p'ŏ           |
| t'u            | tu           |
| Saint_Johns   | Saint_John's  |
| p'oe           | poe          |
| t'o            | t’o           |
| p’a            | p'a           |
| ellibeit'ŏ     | ellibeit’ŏ    |
| t'anso         | tanso        |
| t'wi           | t’wi          |
| t'ae           | tae          |
| t'ŏ            | t’ŏ           |
| p'ŭ            | p’ŭ           |
| pi            | p'i           |
| ch’u           | ch'u          |
| t'ŭ            | t’ŭ           |
| kimch'i        | kimchi       |
| toe           | t'oe          |
| ch'ŭ           | ch’ŭ          |
| t'e            | te           |
45 rows in set (36.65 sec)

For frwiktionary:

mysql:wikiadmin@ [cognate_wiktionary]> SELECT a.cgti_raw, b.cgti_raw FROM cognate_titles as a   JOIN cognate_titles as b ON a.cgti_normalized_key = b.cgti_normalized_key   JOIN cognate_pages as p ON p.cgpa_title = a.cgti_raw_key      and p.cgpa_namespace = 0 and p.cgpa_site = 2097444195020099748   JOIN cognate_pages as q ON q.cgpa_title = b.cgti_raw_key      and q.cgpa_namespace = 0 and q.cgpa_site = 2097444195020099748 WHERE a.cgti_raw_key < b.cgti_raw_key;
| cgti_raw                  | cgti_raw                |
| Palazzolo_sull’Oglio      | Palazzolo_sull'Oglio    |
| Urago_d'Oglio             | Urago_d’Oglio           |
| ...                       | …                       |
| Vezza_d’Oglio             | Vezza_d'Oglio           |
| sms’en                    | sms'en                  |
| 'e                        | ’e                      |
| 'o                        | ’o                      |
| Monteleone_d'Orvieto      | Monteleone_d’Orvieto    |
| ’                         | '                       |
| Quinzano_d'Oglio          | Quinzano_d’Oglio        |
| o’                        | o'                      |
| ’a                        | 'a                      |
| Robecco_d'Oglio           | Robecco_d’Oglio         |
| Scandolara_Ripa_d’Oglio   | Scandolara_Ripa_d'Oglio |
14 rows in set (37.42 sec)


mysql:wikiadmin@ [cognate_wiktionary]> SELECT count(*) FROM cognate_titles as a   JOIN cognate_titles as b ON a.cgti_normalized_key = b.cgti_normalized_key   JOIN cognate_pages as p ON p.cgpa_title = a.cgti_raw_key      and p.cgpa_namespace = 0 and p.cgpa_site = 4760335324028501060  JOIN cognate_pages as q ON q.cgpa_title = b.cgti_raw_key      and q.cgpa_namespace = 0 and q.cgpa_site = 4760335324028501060 WHERE a.cgti_raw_key < b.cgti_raw_key;
| count(*) |
|        0 |
1 row in set (43.01 sec)

count for mgwiktionary:

mysql:wikiadmin@ [cognate_wiktionary]> SELECT count(*) FROM cognate_titles as a   JOIN cognate_titles as b ON a.cgti_normalized_key = b.cgti_normalized_key   JOIN cognate_pages as p ON p.cgpa_title = a.cgti_raw_key      and p.cgpa_namespace = 0 and p.cgpa_site = 8120841685256385134  JOIN cognate_pages as q ON q.cgpa_title = b.cgti_raw_key      and q.cgpa_namespace = 0 and q.cgpa_site = p.cgpa_site WHERE a.cgti_raw_key < b.cgti_raw_key;
| count(*) |
|      146 |
1 row in set (43.34 sec)

count for shwiktionmary:

mysql:wikiadmin@ [cognate_wiktionary]> SELECT count(*) FROM cognate_titles as a   JOIN cognate_titles as b ON a.cgti_normalized_key = b.cgti_normalized_key   JOIN cognate_pages as p ON p.cgpa_title = a.cgti_raw_key      and p.cgpa_namespace = 0 and p.cgpa_site = 4903199207837476164  JOIN cognate_pages as q ON q.cgpa_title = b.cgti_raw_key      and q.cgpa_namespace = 0 and q.cgpa_site = p.cgpa_site WHERE a.cgti_raw_key < b.cgti_raw_key;
| count(*) |
|        0 |
1 row in set (45.44 sec)


mysql:wikiadmin@ [cognate_wiktionary]> SELECT a.cgti_raw, b.cgti_raw FROM cognate_titles as a   JOIN cognate_titles as b ON a.cgti_normalized_key = b.cgti_normalized_key   JOIN cognate_pages as p ON p.cgpa_title = a.cgti_raw_key      and p.cgpa_namespace = 0 and p.cgpa_site = 2916682937954058841  JOIN cognate_pages as q ON q.cgpa_title = b.cgti_raw_key      and q.cgpa_namespace = 0 and q.cgpa_site = p.cgpa_site WHERE a.cgti_raw_key < b.cgti_raw_key;
| cgti_raw | cgti_raw |
| ...      | …        |
| ik’      | ik'      |
2 rows in set (37.16 sec)


mysql:wikiadmin@ [cognate_wiktionary]> SELECT a.cgti_raw, b.cgti_raw FROM cognate_titles as a   JOIN cognate_titles as b ON a.cgti_normalized_key = b.cgti_normalized_key   JOIN cognate_pages as p ON p.cgpa_title = a.cgti_raw_key      and p.cgpa_namespace = 0 and p.cgpa_site = 396207730596080646  JOIN cognate_pages as q ON q.cgpa_title = b.cgti_raw_key      and q.cgpa_namespace = 0 and q.cgpa_site = p.cgpa_site WHERE a.cgti_raw_key < b.cgti_raw_key limit 30;
| cgti_raw                       | cgti_raw                         |
| D'Arsonval_galvanometer        | D’Arsonval_galvanometer          |
| earth's_magnetic_field         | earth’s_magnetic_field           |
| subscriber's_extension_station | subscriber’s_extension_station   |
| Maxwell’s_equation             | Maxwell's_equation               |
| 9’s_complement                 | 9's_complement                   |
| driller’s_log                  | driller's_log                    |
| Joule’s_law                    | Joule's_law                      |
| Fick’s_equation                | Fick's_equation                  |
| Babbage’s_analytical_engine    | Babbage's_analytical_engine      |
| Maxwell's_law                  | Maxwell’s_law                    |
| Coulomb’s_law                  | Coulomb's_law                    |
| Cramer’s_rule                  | Cramer's_rule                    |
| Joule's_equivalent             | Joule’s_equivalent               |
| Loschmidt's_numeral            | Loschmidt’s_numeral              |
| Avogadro's_number              | Avogadro’s_number                |
| Ruhmkorff’s_coil               | Ruhmkorff's_coil                 |
| Duddell's_thermo-galvanometer  | Duddell’s_thermo-galvanometer    |
| McMillan's_inequality          | McMillan’s_inequality            |
| Lenz's_law                     | Lenz’s_law                       |
| Kirchhoff’s_law                | Kirchhoff's_law                  |
| Ampere's_law                   | Ampere’s_law                     |
| Ohm’s_law                      | Ohm's_law                        |
| Weber’s_theory_of_magnetism    | Weber's_theory_of_magnetism      |
| 10's_complement                | 10’s_complement                  |
| 1’s_complement                 | 1's_complement                   |
| Kelvin’s_law                   | Kelvin's_law                     |
| Steinmetz's_law                | Steinmetz’s_law                  |
| 2's_complement                 | 2’s_complement                   |
28 rows in set (37.23 sec)


mysql:wikiadmin@ [cognate_wiktionary]> SELECT a.cgti_raw, b.cgti_raw FROM cognate_titles as a   JOIN cognate_titles as b ON a.cgti_normalized_key = b.cgti_normalized_key   JOIN cognate_pages as p ON p.cgpa_title = a.cgti_raw_key      and p.cgpa_namespace = 0 and p.cgpa_site = -235854953179375905 JOIN cognate_pages as q ON q.cgpa_title = b.cgti_raw_key      and q.cgpa_namespace = 0 and q.cgpa_site = p.cgpa_site WHERE a.cgti_raw_key < b.cgti_raw_key limit 30;
| cgti_raw            | cgti_raw          |
| misk'i              | misk’i            |
| sil'm               | sil’m             |
| arc’hant            | arc'hant          |
| маловір’я           | маловір'я         |
| erc’h               | erc'h             |
| мар’                | мар'              |
| п’ятниця            | п'ятниця          |
| saba’               | saba'             |
| хэм'                | хэм’              |
9 rows in set (35.87 sec)
Lydia_Pintscher moved this task from incoming to in progress on the Wikidata board.

Final result:

ladsgroup@tin:~$ mwscript sql.php --wiki=enwiktionary --cluster=extension1 --replicadb=any --wikidb=cognate_wiktionary --query "SELECT a.cgti_raw, b.cgti_raw, cgsi_dbname FROM cognate_titles as a   JOIN cognate_titles as b ON a.cgti_normalized_key = b.cgti_normalized_key   JOIN cognate_pages as p ON p.cgpa_title = a.cgti_raw_key      and p.cgpa_namespace = 0 join cognate_sites on p.cgpa_site = cgsi_key   JOIN cognate_pages as q ON q.cgpa_title = b.cgti_raw_key      and q.cgpa_namespace = 0 and q.cgpa_site = cgsi_key WHERE a.cgti_raw_key < b.cgti_raw_key order by cgsi_dbname;" > res

1 quelqu'un | chrwiktionary
2 buoc’h | chrwiktionary
3 aujourd’hui | cswiktionary
4 p'ya | dewiktionary
5 Saint_John's | dewiktionary
6 t’ae | dewiktionary
7 ch'ŏlto | dewiktionary
8 ch’e | dewiktionary
9 yujach’a | dewiktionary
10 p’yu | dewiktionary
11 ch'o | dewiktionary
12 t'i | dewiktionary
13 p'ŏ | dewiktionary
14 t’yu | dewiktionary
15 p’e | dewiktionary
16 ch'i | dewiktionary
17 ellibeit’ŏ | dewiktionary
18 t’u | dewiktionary
19 p’ae | dewiktionary
20 ch’ŏng | dewiktionary
21 p’ŭ | dewiktionary
22 kimch’i | dewiktionary
23 t’ŏ | dewiktionary
24 ch'ŏ | dewiktionary
25 p’urŭda | dewiktionary
26 ch'ŏldo | dewiktionary
27 ch'ae | dewiktionary
28 t’e | dewiktionary
29 p’yŏ | dewiktionary
30 t'a | dewiktionary
31 p’wi | dewiktionary
32 t’ŭ | dewiktionary
33 ch'ŏngdong | dewiktionary
34 p’oe | dewiktionary
35 ch'u | dewiktionary
36 p'a | dewiktionary
37 t’wi | dewiktionary
38 t'oe | dewiktionary
39 p’u | dewiktionary
40 t’o | dewiktionary
41 ch’ŭ | dewiktionary
42 ch’ŏl | dewiktionary
43 mach'ŏllu | dewiktionary
44 p'yo | dewiktionary
45 t’anso | dewiktionary
46 p'o | dewiktionary
47 p'i | dewiktionary
48 d'avance | elwiktionary
49 cejourd’hui | elwiktionary
50 point_d'interrogation | elwiktionary
51 chagrin_d'amour | elwiktionary
52 s'arracher | elwiktionary
53 cesoird'hui | elwiktionary
54 jaune_d’œuf | elwiktionary
55 d'arrache-pied | elwiktionary
56 chargé_d’affaires | elwiktionary
57 ’_’ | enwiktionary
58 … | enwiktionary
59 ' | enwiktionary
60 s’entremettre | eowiktionary
61 s’ennuyer | eowiktionary
62 s'indigner | eowiktionary
63 s'arrêter | eowiktionary
64 s'étonner | eowiktionary
65 ik' | eswiktionary
66 … | eswiktionary
67 boucle_d’oreille | euwiktionary
68 lady's_man | fiwiktionary
69 Temminck's_tragopan | fiwiktionary
70 couche_d'ozone | fiwiktionary
71 ' | fiwiktionary
72 à_l’envers | fiwiktionary
73 o' | frwiktionary
74 ’e | frwiktionary
75 … | frwiktionary
76 ' | frwiktionary
77 'a | frwiktionary
78 ’o | frwiktionary
79 îr_l'altri | fywiktionary
80 Côte_d’Ivoire | hiwiktionary
81 Кот-д'Ивуар | hrwiktionary
82 Coup_d’État | hrwiktionary
83 coup_d’État | hrwiktionary
84 Sana'a | huwiktionary
85 Sant'Elena | huwiktionary
86 pin’s | huwiktionary
87 Qur’an | huwiktionary
88 baa’angi | idwiktionary
89 ' | iowiktionary
90 raa’asti | iowiktionary
91 … | itwiktionary
92 ' | jawiktionary
93 videnz'päiv | kowiktionary
94 ан’к’ы | kowiktionary
95 hir' | kowiktionary
96 k’oxol | kowiktionary
97 koumanz’päiv | kowiktionary
98 vo' | kowiktionary
99 хэм’ | kowiktionary
100 ak' | kowiktionary
101 аб'явіць | kowiktionary
102 мар' | kowiktionary
103 b' | kuwiktionary
104 'ezîm | kuwiktionary
105 tabi' | kuwiktionary
106 d' | kuwiktionary
107 'bots | kuwiktionary
108 me'şûq | kuwiktionary
109 Jehovah's_Witnesses | kuwiktionary
110 ’t | liwiktionary
111 s’s | liwiktionary
112 aan_’m_zeen | liwiktionary
113 hangga’t | liwiktionary
114 ’r | liwiktionary
115 t’m | liwiktionary
116 g' | liwiktionary
117 g'd | liwiktionary
118 'ie | liwiktionary
119 ti'a | liwiktionary
120 g't | liwiktionary
121 m'nem | liwiktionary
122 'dj | liwiktionary
123 d’r | liwiktionary
124 m’ntj | liwiktionary
125 aan_’m_zeentaere | liwiktionary
126 m’n | liwiktionary
127 ’nes | liwiktionary
128 m'ne | liwiktionary
129 aan'mzeentaere | liwiktionary
130 ’nem | liwiktionary
131 ch’ch | liwiktionary
132 ènd’ódder | liwiktionary
133 me’ns | liwiktionary
134 d'raaf | liwiktionary
135 t'ch | liwiktionary
136 aan-'m-zeentaere | liwiktionary
137 nguni't | liwiktionary
138 g'n | liwiktionary
139 ’nt | liwiktionary
140 ’ch | liwiktionary
141 ènd’ | liwiktionary
142 ch’r | liwiktionary
143 d'rbie | liwiktionary
144 t’n | liwiktionary
145 m’nes | liwiktionary
146 waed’re | liwiktionary
147 g’ch | liwiktionary
148 'nese | liwiktionary
149 'd | liwiktionary
150 m’nese | liwiktionary
151 ’ne | liwiktionary
152 d'n | liwiktionary
153 g’r | liwiktionary
154 sapagká’t | liwiktionary
155 aod’re | liwiktionary
156 d'ch | liwiktionary
157 d'rbiej | liwiktionary
158 États-Unis_d'Amérique | liwiktionary
159 f'r | liwiktionary
160 z’s | liwiktionary
161 g’m | liwiktionary
162 clin_d'oeil | liwiktionary
163 ch't | liwiktionary
164 billet_d’avion | liwiktionary
165 bawa't | liwiktionary
166 ’t_Bèlsj | liwiktionary
167 'n | liwiktionary
168 t’r | liwiktionary
169 ’s | liwiktionary
170 'ns | liwiktionary
171 clin_d'œil | liwiktionary
172 m'ner | liwiktionary
173 ’s_richtig | liwiktionary
174 d' | liwiktionary
175 'd_Bèlsj | liwiktionary
176 ch' | liwiktionary
177 'ner | liwiktionary
178 ch'n | liwiktionary
179 káhi't | liwiktionary
180 m’ns | liwiktionary
181 ch’m | liwiktionary
182 v'r | liwiktionary
183 'tj | liwiktionary
184 aan_'m | liwiktionary
185 ch’d | liwiktionary
186 ’nen | liwiktionary
187 d'm | liwiktionary
188 i’oa | ltwiktionary
189 marc'h | ltwiktionary
190 ім'я | ltwiktionary
191 k’o | mgwiktionary
192 sa'i | mgwiktionary
193 vúuru’ | mgwiktionary
194 solon'_anarana | mgwiktionary
195 gak’iy | mgwiktionary
196 na’an | mgwiktionary
197 Mec’hiko | mgwiktionary
198 wak'at' | mgwiktionary
199 merc’heg | mgwiktionary
200 j’va | mgwiktionary
201 vozon'_akanjo | mgwiktionary
202 kítzë’ | mgwiktionary
203 yec'hed | mgwiktionary
204 'ma | mgwiktionary
205 mei't | mgwiktionary
206 tavan’_arosy | mgwiktionary
207 mousc’hoarzhin | mgwiktionary
208 tape-à-l’œil | mgwiktionary
209 c’hoarzhin | mgwiktionary
210 'moyo | mgwiktionary
211 agwɨrɨwɨ’ | mgwiktionary
212 ko’om | mgwiktionary
213 lec’h | mgwiktionary
214 a’_chaitheamh | mgwiktionary
215 hoton’_afo | mgwiktionary
216 kalc’h | mgwiktionary
217 wá’ish | mgwiktionary
218 all’ | mgwiktionary
219 we'aha | mgwiktionary
220 ranon'_ando | mgwiktionary
221 ’r | mgwiktionary
222 s'effondrer | mgwiktionary
223 c'hwec'h | mgwiktionary
224 chi’ | mgwiktionary
225 ул’ | mgwiktionary
226 k'an | mgwiktionary
227 'a'uuv | mgwiktionary
228 ki' | mgwiktionary
229 pemoc'h | mgwiktionary
230 anianɨ' | mgwiktionary
231 rei’ittää | mgwiktionary
232 kerc’heiz | mgwiktionary
233 kelc'h | mgwiktionary
234 ni’ | mgwiktionary
235 WAhúru' | mgwiktionary
236 oka' | mgwiktionary
237 áxu’ | mgwiktionary
238 ai' | mgwiktionary
239 paik'_andro | mgwiktionary
240 waakuuká’u’ | mgwiktionary
241 ч’аӽ | mgwiktionary
242 vonoan'olona | mgwiktionary
243 bouc'hal | mgwiktionary
244 n’ | mgwiktionary
245 joc_d'atzar | mgwiktionary
246 arc’hant-bev | mgwiktionary
247 merc'h-kaer | mgwiktionary
248 m’n | mgwiktionary
249 'éé | mgwiktionary
250 point_d'interrogation | mgwiktionary
251 з’есці | mgwiktionary
252 lalan’_i_ohm | mgwiktionary
253 'wap | mgwiktionary
254 a_dh’aithghearr | mgwiktionary
255 vièch_d'ase | mgwiktionary
256 ghogh_HablI’ | mgwiktionary
257 wa’į́ | mgwiktionary
258 ma’a | mgwiktionary
259 wi’sis | mgwiktionary
260 ’í | mgwiktionary
261 tstoóxu’ | mgwiktionary
262 'máási | mgwiktionary
263 askell-groc'hen | mgwiktionary
264 A+'s | mgwiktionary
265 kirihitr'_ala | mgwiktionary
266 l’ | mgwiktionary
267 ng'ombe | mgwiktionary
268 will-o’-the-wisp | mgwiktionary
269 rock’n’roll | mgwiktionary
270 vo' | mgwiktionary
271 diminch' | mgwiktionary
272 'wele | mgwiktionary
273 majoria_d'edat | mgwiktionary
274 мыш'як | mgwiktionary
275 bohe’ | mgwiktionary
276 ak' | mgwiktionary
277 kairo' | mgwiktionary
278 ’ą́sagi | mgwiktionary
279 système_d’exploitation | mgwiktionary
280 d'amagat | mgwiktionary
281 'logrig'we | mgwiktionary
282 yourc'h | mgwiktionary
283 tu’n | mgwiktionary
284 gioco_d’azzardo | mgwiktionary
285 bahá’ís | mgwiktionary
286 yàmàsí’ | mgwiktionary
287 brec’h | mgwiktionary
288 a'am | mgwiktionary
289 melon_d'eau | mgwiktionary
290 п'ятниця | mgwiktionary
291 hue̱’e̱y | mgwiktionary
292 'isdzán | mgwiktionary
293 gume’ | mgwiktionary
294 lahin’_omby | mgwiktionary
295 ya’ | mgwiktionary
296 aretin’_andoha | mgwiktionary
297 m’ | mgwiktionary
298 ja'wa'lie'j | mgwiktionary
299 falc'h | mgwiktionary
300 om't | mgwiktionary
301 marc'h | mgwiktionary
302 wanu'we | mgwiktionary
303 ben’_ny_tanana | mgwiktionary
304 buoc’h | mgwiktionary
305 faire_l'école_buissonnière | mgwiktionary
306 mexygu’e | mgwiktionary
307 dec'h | mgwiktionary
308 goma_d’esborrar | mgwiktionary
309 meló_d’aigua | mgwiktionary
310 rambon'_akanjo | mgwiktionary
311 miferin’_aina | mgwiktionary
312 ñe'ã | mgwiktionary
313 ja' | mgwiktionary
314 taik'_omby | mgwiktionary
315 wa'ą́ | mgwiktionary
316 Ííkaitaistssinao'p | mgwiktionary
317 all’improvviso | mgwiktionary
318 kítzú_jn’â | mgwiktionary
319 gui'eng | mgwiktionary
320 p'a | mgwiktionary
321 ts’â | mgwiktionary
322 pak' | mgwiktionary
323 'ą́zigiðé | mgwiktionary
324 l'altro_ieri | mgwiktionary
325 ka' | mgwiktionary
326 warc’hoazh | mgwiktionary
327 ha'gi | mgwiktionary
328 gioc'h | mgwiktionary
329 kloc'hdi | mgwiktionary
330 dà_fhichead_’s_a_deich | mgwiktionary
331 ’á’wat | mgwiktionary
332 ’s | mgwiktionary
333 cross_one's_mind | mgwiktionary
334 bak’ | mgwiktionary
335 ferin'_aina | mgwiktionary
336 ha’ | mgwiktionary
337 te’ | mgwiktionary
338 faran'_ny_aina | mgwiktionary
339 Russ’sch | ndswiktionary
340 rit’i | nlwiktionary
341 y’a | nlwiktionary
342 qu’ | nlwiktionary
343 melon_d'eau | nlwiktionary
344 jeu_d'échecs | nowiktionary
345 ч’аӽ | plwiktionary
346 сям'я | plwiktionary
347 go'o | plwiktionary
348 buoc’h | plwiktionary
349 t'anta | plwiktionary
350 what’ll | plwiktionary
351 chef-d’oeuvre | ptwiktionary
352 pomme_d’Adam | ptwiktionary
353 you're | ptwiktionary
354 won't | ptwiktionary
355 make_up_one's_mind | ptwiktionary
356 Кот-д'Ивуар | ptwiktionary
357 broc'h | rowiktionary
358 États-Unis_d'Amérique | rowiktionary
359 Кот-д'Ивуар | rowiktionary
360 erc'h | ruwiktionary
361 мар' | ruwiktionary
362 arc'hant | ruwiktionary
363 saba' | ruwiktionary
364 п'ятниця | ruwiktionary
365 хэм’ | ruwiktionary
366 sil’m | ruwiktionary
367 маловір'я | ruwiktionary
368 misk’i | ruwiktionary
369 nips' | svwiktionary
370 ' | svwiktionary
371 rims' | svwiktionary
372 cramer’s_rule | tawiktionary
373 earth's_surface | tawiktionary
374 lady’s_finger | tawiktionary
375 addressee's_instructions | tawiktionary
376 banker's_cheque | tawiktionary
377 arm's_length_price | tawiktionary
378 abstract_of_teller's_receipt | tawiktionary
379 cat’s_eye | tawiktionary
380 cowper's_gland | tawiktionary
381 states’_rights | tawiktionary
382 private_member's_bill | tawiktionary
383 against_bank’s_interest | tawiktionary
384 addressee's_receipt | tawiktionary
385 Alzheimer's_disease | tawiktionary
386 acceptor’s_ledger | tawiktionary
387 kıt'a | trwiktionary
388 vaz'-ı_yed | trwiktionary
389 cem' | trwiktionary
390 ba’zan | trwiktionary
391 fi'l-hakîka | trwiktionary
392 sâni' | trwiktionary
393 ra'd | trwiktionary
394 müste'nis | trwiktionary
395 ma'mûr | trwiktionary
396 te'kîd | trwiktionary
397 me’mûr | trwiktionary
398 erba’a | trwiktionary
399 vaz' | trwiktionary
400 in’ikâs | trwiktionary
401 rü’yet | trwiktionary
402 kat’ | trwiktionary
403 isti’lâm | trwiktionary
404 mir’at | trwiktionary
405 zu’m | trwiktionary
406 hil'at | trwiktionary
407 ba'dezin | trwiktionary
408 eb’ad | trwiktionary
409 za’fî | trwiktionary
410 ta'zîm | trwiktionary
411 ruk’a | trwiktionary
412 cüz' | trwiktionary
413 ric’at | trwiktionary
414 bi'set | trwiktionary
415 müsta’mel | trwiktionary
416 i'râz | trwiktionary
417 şe’n | trwiktionary
418 ma'dûm | trwiktionary
419 za’ferân | trwiktionary
420 vak’a | trwiktionary
421 bu'd | trwiktionary
422 marc'h | trwiktionary
423 ba's | trwiktionary
424 şa’r | trwiktionary
425 fi’len | trwiktionary
426 o'qituvchi | trwiktionary
427 ibâ’ | trwiktionary
428 ta'n | trwiktionary
429 tefe’ül | trwiktionary
430 ba’de | trwiktionary
431 me'hûz | trwiktionary
432 sa'y | trwiktionary
433 intifâ’ | trwiktionary
434 it'âm | trwiktionary
435 müş’ir | trwiktionary
436 ta'zîz | trwiktionary
437 mün'im | trwiktionary
438 şer'an | trwiktionary
439 ta'rîb | trwiktionary
440 ef’âl | trwiktionary
441 re's | trwiktionary
442 istib’âd | trwiktionary
443 ma’rûf | trwiktionary
444 in’âm | trwiktionary
445 i'vicâc | trwiktionary
446 vüs'at | trwiktionary
447 re’y | trwiktionary
448 ref' | trwiktionary
449 ta'zîr | trwiktionary
450 tama’ | trwiktionary
451 za'f | trwiktionary
452 iş'âr | trwiktionary
453 s’il_vous_plaît | trwiktionary
454 ta’mîm | trwiktionary
455 ye’s | trwiktionary
456 п'ятнадцять | ukwiktionary
457 Motî_d'_Cerfontinne | wawiktionary
458 dji_di_ça_et_dji_n'_di_rén | wawiktionary
459 Cramer's_rule | zhwiktionary
460 subscriber’s_extension_station | zhwiktionary
461 Kirchhoff's_law | zhwiktionary
462 10’s_complement | zhwiktionary
463 Lenz’s_law | zhwiktionary
464 Kelvin's_law | zhwiktionary
465 2’s_complement | zhwiktionary
466 1's_complement | zhwiktionary
467 Steinmetz’s_law | zhwiktionary
468 Loschmidt’s_numeral | zhwiktionary
469 Coulomb's_law | zhwiktionary
470 Weber's_theory_of_magnetism | zhwiktionary
471 McMillan’s_inequality | zhwiktionary
472 Ruhmkorff's_coil | zhwiktionary
473 Fick's_equation | zhwiktionary
474 Ampere’s_law | zhwiktionary
475 Maxwell’s_law | zhwiktionary
476 Joule’s_equivalent | zhwiktionary
477 Babbage's_analytical_engine | zhwiktionary
478 Avogadro’s_number | zhwiktionary
479 driller's_log | zhwiktionary
480 Duddell’s_thermo-galvanometer | zhwiktionary
481 Ohm's_law | zhwiktionary
482 Joule's_law | zhwiktionary
483 D’Arsonval_galvanometer | zhwiktionary
484 9's_complement | zhwiktionary
485 Maxwell's_equation | zhwiktionary
486 earth’s_magnetic_field | zhwiktionary

@daniel is there something further we want to action here as a result of the investigation?

daniel claimed this task.

Result: the number of clashes is minimal, and the majority of clashes seem to be unintentional. There seems to be no use case for two clashing titles to exist on a single Wiktionary. This validates the approach taken by cognate, namely, to treat certain titles as equivalent with respect to interwiki-linking.