The meeting at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona last Friday went relatively well. However, several teachers initially interested in Wikimedia related final career projects came from DevOps / Infrastructure areas, and they found no suitable proposals.
Question to cloud-services-team: do you think you can offer Featured Projects?
The UAB would need a Yes/No answer relatively quick, pointing to a list of potential projects. If a teacher is interested in adopting any of them, then you could work the details of the project directly and there would be a bit more time for that. The next round of final career projects starts in September, and students are looking for projects as we speak.
PS: Also, for what you know about Technical Operations, do you think that any Featured Project could come from them? (Quim would rather tests this still fresh idea of Featured Projects with Cloud first, before jumping to Ops).
PS: This task needs an owner. Andre, Srishti or Nick could be good candidates for different reasons. Can you decide, please?