This task is covering the request of hardware to replace tin. Tin is currently the deployment server in eqiad, but as reflected on T174449, currently has a bad disk.
Tin went out of warranty on 2015-08-29. It has cabled, not hot swap disks, so the disk replacement would require downtime. Additionally, tin is using an older H310 hw raid controller. We no longer use these, as they are not wholly reliable. When we did use them, we would put them into passthrough mode, and not rely on the hw raid. It seems this was setup prior to all of those changes, since it is using hw raid on a cruddy H310 controller.
Requesting approval to use a shelf spare as a replacement server. This will allow us to image a new deployment server and get all the data there before shutting down tin.
Tin has very, very modest hardware. A single Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2420 (1.9GHz/6 cores), 16GB RAM, and dual 500GB disks in a raid1 mirror. The small requirements could even be viable for a ganeti instance, but I'm not certain we want our deployment system to reside within a ganeti VM. (Though if it can, this may be the ideal time to do so, due to hw failure.)
At the time of this task creation, there were 6 spare systems in eqiad for assignment.
wmf4660 (was restbase1005) warranty end: 2018-02-05 HP Proliant DL360 Intel® Xeon® Processor E5-2450 v2 (2.50 GHz / 8 cores), 64GB RAM, no disks, system has 4 bays, but only 3 disk sleds installed
WMF4727 warranty end: 2018-12-05 Dell PoweEdge R430 Intel® Xeon® Processor E5- 2623 V3 (3.00/4) 32GB RAM, (4) 4TB SATA
wmf4748 warranty end: 2019-03-24 Dell PoweEdge R430 Intel Xeon E5-2640 v3 (2.60/8) 64GB RAM, (2) 1TB SATA
The last system has 3 other systems identical to it (so there are a total of 6 spare systems, where 4 of them are identical (including wmf4748). I'd recommend either wmf4748, or addign disks in and using wmf4660.
If we pick the old restbase system wmf4660 for replacement, we need to put in 2 disks from shelf spares for use.