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Reimage deployment-tmh01 with Debian Jessie
Closed, DeclinedPublic


All the packaging work for jessie is complete (and the servers in production have been migrated). If deployment-tmh01 is still used it can be reimaged as well.

greg@x1  ~ % ssh deployment-tmh01.eqiad.wmflabs
Linux deployment-tmh01 3.13.0-121-generic #170-Ubuntu SMP Wed Jun 14 09:04:33 UTC 2017 x86_64
Ubuntu 14.04.5 LTS
deployment-tmh01 is mediawiki::videoscaler

Multimedia Team: I put this on your backlog per

Event Timeline

greg removed a project: HHVM.

While this is related to TMH, nobody on our team has any idea or expertise related to this task - maybe opsen should take a look?

I doubt that system is used at all, there's deployment-videoscaler01, which I have been using to test stretch compat. I think we can simply remove deployment-tmh01

According to shinken:

deployment-tmh01 is DOWN since 1M 3w 1d 12m 18s

Given no one cared about it being down for 7 weeks and the comments above, I guess this instance can just be deleted?

If it still exists, as far as I know this is obsolete and unused?

Per @brions comment here and @MoritzMuehlenhoff s comment T191293#4104033, deployment-tmh01 will be deleted instead of reimaged.