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Surface slow filters and total condition count directly on Special:AbuseFilter
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Once the tickets listed below are complete (or rejected) we should decide how to indicate slow filters and the total condition count directly on Special:AbuseFilter. We'll want to talk with edit filter managers before we make any decisions.

The Current ideas

  • Update the count at the top of Sp:AbuseFilter to include an average count of how many conditions were used over the past N hours.
  • Add the per-filter profiling back (which is viewable on the individual filter pages) and add data from Logstash if the filter takes over 800MS
  • TBD: Indicate the filters that take over 800MS directly on the main Sp:AbuseFilter page

Blocking tickets

Event Timeline

@MusikAnimal @dmaza — When T174205: Log cases where abusefilter filters take over a certain amount of time to run is complete, what would be a helpful way to surface this information to Edit filter managers? A separate tool? Email notifications? Something on Special:AbuseFilter?

When T174205: Log cases where abusefilter filters take over a certain amount of time to run is complete, what would be a helpful way to surface this information to Edit filter managers? A separate tool? Email notifications? Something on Special:AbuseFilter?

Having this information anywhere is a huge step forward, but I think putting it in Special:AbuseFilter would be best. Maybe Special:AbuseFilter/SlowFilters (probably can come up with a better name)? There it'd have a table of the slow filters with the average run time and condition count (assuming you're keeping track of that). You could also highlight the expensive ones at Special:AbuseFilter in yellow or something. My thoughts are that if it's on a separate page or tool, it might go unnoticed, when ideally we'd want them to be abundantly aware there is something wrong with a particular filter. The folks at might have some good ideas too.

Let's get the monitoring in place for the filters first, then show it to the folks on the Edit filter noticeboard. I agree that out of sight = out of mind. Maybe even a new column on Special:AbuseFilter?

TBolliger renamed this task from Surface slow AbuseFilter filters to Edit filter managers to Surface slow filters and total condition count directly on Special:AbuseFilter.Nov 2 2017, 11:11 PM
TBolliger updated the task description. (Show Details)
Daimona subscribed.

Superseded by T193064, where we'll also store this info