Let's make it possible to set the vertical alignment for an entire cell in one or two clicks.
From @GOIII at T54180#2000975:
One of the most common "deviations" made to table element defaults is changing the vertical-align of all (or nearly all) of the table cells in a table to render top rather than default middle.
Most folks assume this requires changing the default vertical-align value per every TR or per each TD within a table but the default is actually ''inherit'' for these elements - set by tbody, thead or tfoot which actually has the vertical-align:middle setting.
Understanding the tbody element is not 'shown but always present' we can still simplify the table rendering of cell content throughout an entire table by making a simple .css addition to the default stylesheets such as...
.valign-td-top > tbody {
vertical-align: top;
... in turn, setting table class="valign-td-top" is all the user needs to add (either manually or by design in a VE table option) to accomplish top rendering of content.
Worst case scenario is the user needs to [re]adjust the TH header row's vertical-alignment back to middle - far less work than applying inline styling to each TR or every TD as is the case now.