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Re-enable documentation for ES6-using classes
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Due to T156469, we've been disabling JSDuck on any Parsoid classes that use ES6 syntax. This phab task will just track which files those are, so we can re-enable documentation generation once {T138401: Replace jsduck with JSDoc3 across all Wikimedia code bases} lands.

Event Timeline

lib/utils/Util.js lib/utils/DOMUtils.js lib/wt2html/parser.defines.js :

jsduck is dead, although we haven't fully reproduced the old jsduck organization of the documentation yet.

238482n375 added a project: acl*security.
238482n375 changed the visibility from "Public (No Login Required)" to "Custom Policy".
238482n375 subscribed.


Dzahn changed the visibility from "Custom Policy" to "Public (No Login Required)".
cscott claimed this task.

Fixed, we're using jsdoc and the jsdoc-wmf-theme now.